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Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:04 am
by waynedevore
I don't care they can raise and shoot all the hogs they want.

This is phony, Feral hogs don't get fat and big living in the brush eating roots and grass. They get that big and fat on a high energy high protein diet like
Corn and Soy Beans.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:17 am
by MuleyCrazed
Just another confirmation that the pig was farm raised...Still the pig is HUGE!

Giant Alabama Pig Killed In Pen

BIRMINGHAM, AL—The mystery of the now-famous gigantic Alabama pig appears to have been solved. The 1,051-pound hog killed by 11-year-old Jamison Stone and the subject of a world-wide Internet firestorm really is ... Fred.

According to owners Rhonda and Phil Blissitt, she and her husband “didn’t want to stir up anything” and “just wanted the truth to be told.” Their claims of ownership over the pig were confirmed by Alabama Department of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (DWFF) Game Warden Andy Howell.

“That wasn’t a wild pig,” Rhonda Blissitt told The Associated Press.

The pig gained worldwide acclaim after it was killed by Stone with a .50-caliber handgun on May 3 at the Lost Creek Plantation, a hunting preserve in Delta, Alabama. It was killed inside a large fenced enclosure.

Phil Blissitt says he purchased the pig for his wife as a Christmas gift in December of 2004, and that from the time it was 6 weeks old, they raised the pig as a pet as it grew to its enormous size. They had recently decided to sell all of their pigs, and Eddy Borden, owner of Lost Creek Plantation, purchased “Fred.”

This information was released on the same day that DWFF officials concluded their investigation of the hunt and concluded that “nothing illegal happened under the guidelines of Alabama law.”

The DWFF says it learned the hog’s origin as its investigation unfolded and that the agency was able to determine that the pig came from a domesticated environment and therefore was not considered feral.

Jamison Stone’s father, Mike Stone, says he and his son were under the impression that the pig was feral and that he and his son hunted it under that assumption.

For more information on this story, visit,2933,277097,00.html.