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Oh crap!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:58 pm
by ridgetop
You know how some ideas don't seem like too bad of an idea at first, until something goes wrong. Well, I started shooting by bow last night in the back yard. Now this is a bow I have never shot before and just put a new sight on it. Also, I've never shot with a release before either. I also have a VERY difficult neighbor that lives next door. Ok, now that you have that picture. Now picture this, I have a hay stack inside a 12'x36' pole barn, that's next to our horse corral. The horse corral is on the right of the barn and my camp trail is on the left. Also, our horse trail is in between our house and the barn and out in front of the barn about 30 yards. At fist, not knowing where my sights are set, I decide to shoot at the target at 10 yards. Which I have the target set up in the middle of the hay stack. Now, you've got that picture. I shoot a couple times and hit about a foot high at ten yards I then go back to 20 yards and shoot about 6" to a foot high again with my 20 yard pin. Each time I shoot, the noise gets the horses a little jumpy but not to bad. Well I go back to 30 yards and now I am on the side of the horse trailer and out of view from my neighbors house. Just as I pull back but not on the target at all, I accidentlly touch off the trigger on the release. OH CRAP! Now before I even went out to shoot, my wife says to me. You better not shoot one of the horses or out trailer. Yep, I think I was jinxed. Well, I see the arrow hit a wheelbarrel leaning next to my atv inside the barn, with a loud bang, both our horses jump about 5 feet in the air and bolt to the other side of the corral. I see something flying in the direction of the horses but appeared to go over their head. Unfortunately in the direction of my neighbors house. Moments later, both my neighbor(the wicked witch of the West or East) and her 40 year old (basement dwelling) son come out to see what the commotion is all about. Now my stress level just hit a new high. Can you guess what the end result was?
Maybe Brett can give out a DVD for the correct guess. :))

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:46 pm
by hardstalk
I'm gonna guess you nailed the house window with a fragment of the arrow. I say this because i can picture myself in the exact same position. I blew thru a neighbors white picket fence when i shot at a rabbit in my own yard. Kdidnt even stop to think where the arrow would go once it passed the rabbit! Live and learn. I was able to repair the fence before they noticed it.

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:30 pm
by ABert
I'll say through the basement window and straight into the troll's 13" black and white TV causing him to miss the lastest episode of "Gilligan's Island".

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:48 am
by a_bow_nut
The arrow stuck one of her flying monkeys to side side of her house after it had been over pulling the stuffing out of your target. Which serves the monkey right for tresspassing and spooking the horses which made you bump the trigger and shoot it. So she can be as mad as she wants it's her stupind monkeys fault anyway.

Just don't say that you shot rour ram for the second time please. [-o<

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:37 am
by Mularcher
I'm hoping you didn't hit of the horses and if you didn't I'm guessing a part of the arrow came to rest near the neighbours back door probably breaking her flower pot.

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:34 pm
by ridgetop
Brett, I was joking about the DVD comment. I'll donate one of mine, if someone guesses correctly. It might be a previously viewed one but hey, it's free. :))
Some very creative comments so far but no winner yet. My wife says I need to be nicer to our nieghbor, even if she is the meanest, most horrible person I've ever met. So I'm sorry about the witch comment. :thumb

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:23 pm
by dahlmer
I'm going to guess that one of two things happened. One the arrow ricocheted off of the wheelbarrow and sailed over the top of the horses and finally sticking in the side of your neighbors house. Or, the arrow bounced off of the wheelbarrow, hit something on one of the trailers which then broke off flew over the horses and hit the side of your neighbors house.

If your got lucky and your neighbor has a obnoxious pet it is now dead with the arrow pinning its head to something in your neighbors yard.

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:39 pm
by ABert
Dang! I knew I should have gone with "Good Times". lol

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:28 pm
by huntfishnv
Im guessing it ricocheted and hit their window or door with a thump...soon after some cuss filled yelling happened.

Re: Oh crap!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:13 am
by MuleyMadness
I'm saying it (the arrow) stuck in the 'siding' of the house. But good for them, it probably made a good peg for the 40 year old basement dwelling son to dry his laundry on. :)

I'll throw in a DVD Ridge if someone gets it right.