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My little man is getting there!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:42 pm
As most of you know by now, my little guy Skylor started wresting two years ago. As a bit of a coincidence, he wrestled this past weekend in the same gym that he started his career in in March of 2010. It sure was a great homecoming of sorts!

He wrestled his little rear end off and took home the gold, but that has never been something that I worry about a whole lot. (I won't lie, it's SO AWESOME to see him succeed but there are more important things like sportsmanship, accepting a loss with grace, etc) There were two things that occured on Saturday that really impressed me more than his time on the podium.

His semi-final match was against a young man that Skylor knows well. They have wrestled against eachother a couple times in other tournaments and were even practice partners at a regional wrestling camp this past fall. It was a BATTLE, with Skylor pulling out a win in the end. (Check out the first pic and tell me you don't see the relief in his face as he shakes his opponent's hand!).

The first was watching his opponent wrestle in the consolation rounds. He was wrestling an opponent that was handicapped. I had seen this youngester wrestle in the past also and was impressed with his efforts although he never won a match. Well, Sky's friend could have ended the match pretty quickly but instead took his time and allowed his opponent to take him down and even turn him over once. He allowed the match to go the full distance and although he made sure he was slightly ahead in points, he also made sure that his opponent had fun, was able to "turn a few moves," and then told him how good he wrestled afterwards. Meanwhile, during this whole match Sky sat on the edge of the mat and cheered the handicapped young man on. All of this from a couple 8 year olds...and with no prodding or direction from their parents. It was really awesome to watch!!

After the medal rounds were over Skylor and his friend/opponent came up and asked if they could wrestle an exhibition match since niether of them were really pushed by anyone else in the tourney. I spoke to the father of the other boy and we agreed to let them do it and got them signed up. They got the opportunity to wrestle in front of the entire crowd, without any other matches going on, and really put on a show. Final score of their exhibition was 12-12!! What a fitting end to a great day!

Anyway, yes I am bragging a bit. However, I can't help but be proud of my little man and his friend who not only took it upon themselves to help another wrestler out but then, instead of playing and running around like so many of the other wrestlers, they wanted to wrestle AGAIN and get some extra mat time in. I LOVE YA BUD!

Re: My little man is getting there!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:30 am
by a_bow_nut
It just doesn't get any cooler than that.


Re: My little man is getting there!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:44 pm
by bigbuck92
Thats awesome! Way to put him into something that he loves doing. I see a future all american in the making :thumb

Re: My little man is getting there!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:04 pm
by dahlmer
What a great story. You have reason to be very proud.

Re: My little man is getting there!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:57 pm
by killerbee
I agree, it just doesn't get any cooler then that!
I also believe there is no better base for a kid in life. It teaches them that hard work and determination will always be rewarding. They will see highs and lows, but learn to take it all and make themselves better.
just hearing about how your boy and his friend handled themselves this week shows that it is already working- you should be proud!

Re: My little man is getting there!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:59 pm
by gizmo1

Re: My little man is getting there!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:45 pm
by ABert
Great to hear your boy is still doing great things!

My 7 yo nephew just started wrestling this year. He's not the best out there but he's having fun, sometimes too much fun. He's getting there and should be better next year. He has cost me a few dollars as I promised any time he finished in the top three I'd get him something from Cabela's. I only wish I could get up there to see him wrestle!

Re: My little man is getting there!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:55 pm
That's great ABert!!! The first year can be rough, especially when they start later. There are some boys in Skylor's age group at these tournaments that have already been wrestling for 4+ years. (Sky is 8 years old)

He is quickly catching up though, and can at least hang with most of those boys...and even beat a good number of them. I can think about a handful of boys that he sees at various tournaments that still give him fits at times, including one young man from Spokane who won the National Championship for this age group. Now that kid is a BEAST! No matter though, Sky sure is enjoying it!

Good luck to your nephew!!! I hope he sticks with it because it can be a very rewarding sport in more ways than one.