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Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:42 am
by TheGreatwhitehunter ... etail.html

My prayers are with her mother Ashley and the rest of the family.

Veronica Moser-Sullivan was just 6 years old.
Veronica's mother, Ashley, 25, was wounded in the throat and the abdomen in the senseless attack and lies paralyzed in a nearby hospital, Ashley who has been drifting in and out of consciousness, has been asking for her daughter Veronica, not knowing that she has died from her injuries. Nobody has had the heart to tell her that Veronica is already dead. Veronica was the youngest victim killed at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater in one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history.



Veronica was full of life and loved living it, she looked forward to every day. She was loved by many and will be greatly missed. Veronica you were taken tragically from this earth, but your memory will forever live on with all that knew you and loved you.

O Lord, we humbly entrust Veronica, so precious in Your sight. Take her into Your arms and welcome her into the paradise that is Heaven, where there will be no sorrow, no weeping, nor pain, but the fullness of love, peace and joy with Your Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Rest In Peace, Veronica

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:43 am
by TheGreatwhitehunter
I talked to a friend who is an Aurora Police Officer and he has been working the scene for 36 hours now. Please pray for the families of the victims and the officers & responders who have had to endure this gruesome scene. May the Lord keep us all strong as we try to cope with this senseless tragedy.

If you have children hug them extra tight tonight, if your married tell your spouse how very special they really are to you. Let all your friends know how much you appreciate them.
If you hold a grudge today forgive that person and if a grudge is held against you may you be forgiven. Today do something kind for a stranger, today remember those victims that no longer enjoy the precious gift of life that they would trade anything to be able to just to say goodbye to their loved ones.

My prayers are with all of you.

RIP Veronica

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:09 am
by TheGreatwhitehunter
I go to the theatre that this tragedy took place at all the time, I selfishly am glad I did not go to the films premier although a few friends did, I decided not too. I also regret that I did not go, as I may of been able to help people, who knows maybe even save a little girls life even if it cost me my own.

Although I do not know any of you personally except for my dear friend and brother in Christ, Hiker(Jeff) I pray that all of you and your families are safe tonight. A tragedy and senseless rampage has ripped the lives of so many from their loved ones with out the time to say good bye. Many of us find ourselves to busy to take the time to let the ones we care about know how much they mean to us and then it is to late. No words we speak, no thoughts we think can bring them back, we will never be able to tell them how much we loved them. Only in Heaven shall we meet again.

Take the time to let your family, friends, ect... know here on earth that you love them, appreciate them and feel blessed to be part of their lives.

Life is to short for excusses as tomorrow may never come again for the ones we love, and we shall forever be wondering what if.

A very tragic event has taken a city by storm and left many sad, angery and asking why, celebrate the lives of those we loved that are now gone in body but not in spirit. Show love to those that are still here on earth and forever remember, it only takes a split second to have your life change forever.

Jeff or Hiker as most of you know him, I just want to let you know my friend how blessed my wife, my son and I are to call you and your family our friends. I cherish the memories of our hunts and the experiences of fellowship at your house and the many phone calls and lunches we have shared. I just want to let you and your family how much a part of me, you all are to me.


Colorado Antelope with Hiker

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:15 am
by Tyewire
My family and church family has and will continue to pray for you and everyone there in Colorado. I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better. I too have a 6 year old little girl.

Praying for you!

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:20 pm
by Hiker
Thanks Scott. :thumb I appreciate you and your sweet family too my friend. I was out of state when this horrible event happened. We were driving back to Colorado early Friday Morning when my wife, who was checking her facebook and e-mail said out loud "Oh God" and when I asked her what was wrong she didn't reply but cried instead. She gathered herself and told me that P**** had been shot 4 times, three times in the arm once in the head, and the dr's didn't expect her to make it through the night. We've known her for many years, since she was a little girl. Her mother, who helped start the school that my wife is the principle at, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer just a month ago and now this....... Incredible! Then my wife proceeded to tell me about the rest of the victims. Our hearts have been bleeding for our sweet friends and all of the people who have been effected by this.
God is answering prayer and P**** is doing much better now. Her surgery was successful and they were able to remove the bullets and repair her nose so she could breath w/o the drainage going the wrong place. It amazes me even though our state has over 5.2 million people, we all are personally effected by this in one way or another. I was the youth director at a church in Littleton when Columbine happened and had some kids in my youth group who were there at the school when that happened. Tough times for Colorado and the US. They blame guns, at least that's what the media wants everyone to believe but we all know it's not the guns, it's the evil heart of man.

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:40 pm
by waspocrew
TheGreatwhitehunter wrote:
If you have children hug them extra tight tonight, if your married tell your spouse how very special they really are to you. Let all your friends know how much you appreciate them.
If you hold a grudge today forgive that person and if a grudge is held against you may you be forgiven. Today do something kind for a stranger, today remember those victims that no longer enjoy the precious gift of life that they would trade anything to be able to just to say goodbye to their loved ones.

RIP Veronica
That's a great reminder for us all... My prayers go out to all who were affected.

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:52 pm
by killerbee
It is a horrible deal- what was the guy thinking?--I couldn't even imagine having a tragedy like this being as close to home as it is for you guys.

as far as the little girl goes- that just makes me sick to my stomach! I do have a , will be 6 year old next week, girl- I couldn't even begin to imagine what that would be like.

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:19 am
by dahlmer
My heart goes out to all those who have been impacted by this. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:04 pm
by derekp1999
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and those in the surrounding areas.
Even though time slowly heals wounds, it's amazing how events like this can open them back up. This really brought back the feelings felt at the time of the Trolley Square shootings here in SLC.

Re: Aurora Colorado Tragedy

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:01 pm
by gizmo1
My families prayers are with ya'll up there. God bless all of you.