Why do you elk hunt?

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by elkhunter49 » Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:35 pm

The great thing about Elk hunting is that two people can view the same sport
totally different but still love it to the point of obsession.
When I dream and plan for my next elk hunt a big fat cow NEVER pops into
my mind. I'm a trophy hunter. There I said it and don't apologize for it. My family and
I love elk meat and always hope each fall leaves me with a deep freeze full of it , but
that's not why I hunt.
I'm never going to have the money for a governer's tag or even a guided back
country hunt. My ideal hunt is to take the biggest bull from the unit I'm hunting.
I've killed cows in the past and if that's the only tag I can draw then I will again, Why
would I do that if I'm not a meat hunter you ask, it's because any hunt in the mountains
is a good time and plus I can scout out new areas for what I really wan't to take. A big,muddy,
stinky bull with a head full of antlers.
I sound like a world class elk hunter but I've got alot to learn. My biggest bull so far is a 6x6
that scores 291. I'm hoping for a 300 plus bull someday but with my age and health and the
difficulty drawing tags the clock is ticking. I think I've got as good a chance this fall
as I've ever had but who knows what will happen. October 11th can't come soon enough
for me. ( Colorado GMU 49 1st Rifle ). Later Taters

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by NONYA » Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:19 pm

Because it is in my blood and it is the purest way to get in touch with what we reallly are,predators that love the hunt,the quest for the game,the outdoors adventure that fair chase hunting provides.I feel sorry for those who have never experienced the hunt or have only had the cheapened version of the experience through high fence or daycare like guided hunts.I love taking people on their first hunts,its better than hunting myself,succesful or not its great to watch them come alive when the adrenaline hits,some of them truley living for the first time.As for our friends and family that have passed I gaurantee you they are by our our sides in the field,old hunters NEVER die,they just have better cammo.

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by bigbuck92 » Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:34 am

NONYA wrote: ,old hunters NEVER die,they just have better cammo.
I like that. Mind if i use it in my sig line?
Old hunters NEVER die,they just have better camo.

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by speedgoat » Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:39 am

That's an awesome line!

Ps - no one should ever feel like they have to apologize for being a trophy hunter, it is a different level of satisfaction from doing the same type of hunt year after year. My first year I took the first elk I saw, then I wanted a big bull, now I just want a full freezer because I have a few decent bulls and do not feel like spending the time and effert to euro mount another bull.

There is nothing wrong with being a trophy hunter, I feel it is a result of being successful enough with prior goals that now you want to push the limts. Good luck.

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by Avs man » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:40 pm

JLROOT brings up a good point, I feel very lucky to have had the chance to share so many special memories with my fater and grandfathers in the woods hunting, I guess Ive taken it for granted but thanks for putting it all in to perspective for me, I cant wait for the fall, Its not the memories we have had that are so special but the ones we are going to share next, Untill the day when there can be no memories made together thats when all we have left are the memories, People get so wrapped up in the busy hussle and bussle of todays world that we tend to forget the important stuff. thanks again for the wake up call.
I spend Half my money on Huntin, The rest I just waste!

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by NONYA » Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:50 am

Feel free Bigbuck,dont know where that came from,just sounds right to me. :thumb

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by 79Ford » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:24 pm

NONYA wrote:old hunters NEVER die,they just have better cammo.
I like that Nonya.

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by silvertip-co » Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:09 pm

I elk hunt because I am weak minded with no self control. :thumb

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by speedgoat » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:32 am

... and here - here for honesty right?

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Re: Why do you elk hunt?

Post by typicalmuley » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:33 am

I elk hunt for the experiences I have and memories I make. If I kill an elk it is a bonus. I like learning new things and seeing things I have never seen before. I guess most of all I like being out in nature; to feel the cool autumn breeze, hear the music of bull elk as they preform the dance of life, and feel the anticipation of glimsing one of these majestic creatures. To me elk hunting is a release from the business of life, it is a getaway from all that is chaotic. If life was about elk hunting what a life it would be.
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