Elk Hunt 2004 for college guys from SD help

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Elk Hunt 2004 for college guys from SD help

Post by beartrx » Wed Jan 07, 2004 2:46 pm

Hey all. great site. I was looking at the CO Game Management Unit Maps and they are great help for us since we are not familiar with the area. Could any of you give any good starting points for low budget college guys from SD?
We would like to hunt in the northern part of CO if possible. I guess the less travel time means more hunting time for us. I was looking at units 12,13,33 and then some others to the south. We would like to be kind of located around Vail if possible (we have a free place to stay when we get there).
Any suggestions? I have been trying to pick up on some spots through the other threads but I would sure appreciate some help from you guru hunters. We are looking forward to the hunt, but we have heard some negative comments about the road hunters and just the amount of hunters in general. We are planning on hiking in as far as possible to get as far away from the road as we can.
OK let's say you.



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Elk Hunt

Post by whtailtaker » Fri Apr 02, 2004 9:51 am

:lol: :lol: First thing is go buy Colorado Outdoors mag. march/april issue
gives units by limits and tags issued and left over points needed and such!

you can use the Colorado DNR site to look up units and brief discription of ea. 8)

run web search engine for other forums that talk about Elk hunting
there is a lot of them!
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A bad day hunting ain't bad-Ain't life grand


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Post by shedhunter » Thu Apr 22, 2004 9:35 am


if you wanna fun hunt for an open 4pt+ unit, try 62. I hunted there last year durring the 3rd season and took my first bull. The locals say i could have done better. Good state choice for open elk hunting!

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Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2004 8:36 pm
Location: Rpaid City, SD

Re: Elk Hunt

Post by beartrx » Fri Oct 01, 2004 11:02 pm

whtailtaker wrote::lol: :lol: First thing is go buy Colorado Outdoors mag. march/april issue
gives units by limits and tags issued and left over points needed and such!

you can use the Colorado DNR site to look up units and brief discription of ea. 8)

run web search engine for other forums that talk about Elk hunting
there is a lot of them!
I guess I don't get the LOL. Is there something funny? I have been busting my arse for a chance to go down there and hunt. We have exhausted the Terraserver site, DENR site, USGS topo maps. In the meantime, I have plotted all of this on ArcMap trying to find the place with the best odds. We are hiking in at least two miles so we aren't hunting even NEAR a road. I am so sick of 4-wheelers that I wish they would ban them from any hunting activity (except handicapped). All I ask is for some guidance from those who have some experience. No one in my family has done this sort of thing before.
We went there last May before we even knew if we drew the tags, and scouted out the area we "scouted" on the internet. Is this enough? Do you think I am trying to get info out of you that I don't deserve?
I am not trying to be a butt, but if you wanted techniques for snow goose hunting, pheasant hunting, or whatever we offer, I would be glad to tell you all. Chances are, I would never see you here and it would't affect me or my hunting.
Have a good hunt. I wish you the best

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