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Give some sheep a try

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:03 am
by gizmo1
I took these two Texas Dalls a few years back. This taught me two important lessons. 1 I love sheep hunting and 2 weird stuff happens when hunting sheep.
We started off just at sun up after breakfast. We spotted several groups of sheep. The first group we ran into had a beautiful blonde Dall with about a curl and a half. He was mixed in with a group of Corsicans and black Hawaiians. He was a great ram but he was in the middle of an open alph alpha field about 150 yards from the closest stitch of cover. Wasn't really anyway of getting with in bow range so after watching him for a while we moved on to find more sheep. We glassed a few other groups then on the back side of the property we found the group that had these two rams. They were standing between two tree rows and it looked like I could sneak down the edge of one of the thickets and get in bow range as they fed. The more they fed the closer they got to the break in the trees. I got out of the guide's truck and began the 400 yard stalk. Closing the gap wasn't too bad for the first half. What I didn't know was that They had moved up into the gap and about 200 yards out I was stuck. I got on my hands and knees a slowly began trying to close the gap. After what seemed like an eternity I made my way to the edge of the gap. The sheep were feeding through and the first to go by was a Mouflon, followed by a few Corsicans. One of the Dalls was about to give me a shot and right when I went to draw the guide, who had stayed at the truck so as not to spook the rams, slammed the door on the pickup. Even from that far it sounded like a bomb going off and sheep blew in every direction. I was pretty sure my birthday and Christmas just got canceled. They took off to a creek about a quarter mile away. The guide and I had a brief conversation when I returned to the truck and we planned how to get back on them. It actually worked out pretty well as I got in a bend in the creek that they were moving to. The Dalls were in the lead now too. I got everything set up and here they come. The smaller ram was leading the group and came in on a string. He got twenty yards quartered away and I drew. What I couldn't see was that the rest of the sheep coming around the point had seen me draw and started to run. As I touched the arrow off the larger ram ran right beside and behind the ram I was shooting at. After a loud thud The first ram ran about ten yards and dropped. The second ram spun in a circle and stopped. He stood there confused for a min and turned staggering off with my arrow sticking out just behind the shoulder on his off side. I couldnt believe it. He had ran out from around the point,lining up at the precise angle to catch the arrow as it went through the first sheep. Both were recovered as you can see but that was the strangest this that has ever happened to me in my hunting career. Words cant really explain it. The second sheep wasn't even close to the first sheep when they came in. It worked out well though and I ended up with two nice trophies. They were delicious as well.