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Sometimes the hunter, sometimes the hunted...

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:22 am
Arrowed buck turns tables on bowhunter

An 8-point, 257-pound whitetail buck turned the tables on a stunned Maine bowhunter last week, charging at him with its head lowered in attack mode just seconds after being hit with a broadhead-tipped hunting arrow.

Vito Coulombe said he thought he was about to be gored by the big buck after loosing an arrow at a distance of about 25 feet on Wednesday afternoon.

"After I shot it, he came right at me," Coulombe told The Lewiston Sun Journal.

"I threw my bow at him and hit him with it, and was backing away and fell over a log, and he just missed me. I was scared to death. I thought he was taking me out."

Daniel Frazel, Coulombe's hunting partner, said he didn't believe his buddy's claims at first.

"He came up to me, he was freaked out! He said, 'Dan! I almost got killed!'" Frazel said.

The pair was unable to track the deer before nightfall, but returned early the next morning for a successful recovery.

Coulombe, who has hunted since 1991, said it was the biggest deer he's ever taken with a bow.

It's a sure bet it's also his most memorable one.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:27 am
by MuleyMadness
That would be freaky for sure, scare the crud out of ya. But hey I guess we may deserve it eh? Guess were lucky this sorta thing doesn't happen more often.

Glad he was okay though.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:13 pm
by a_bow_nut
I knew that there was a reason that I hunt out of a treestand. :-k

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:41 pm
by bigbuck92
that happened to me once but it was summer and he still had his velvet. i was on my grandpas ranch and my dog went around the barn and scared a 4 point and a 2 point out around the other side and the 4 point cliped my leg and i went flying. it was purty scary

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:14 am
by bowhuntercop

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:32 pm
by IDHunter
I'm suprised this sort of thing doesn't happen more often too.

Last year on the elk bow hunt I was hiking up a trail that was in the bottom of a narrow ravine. I stopped for a second and let out a cow call to try and locate a bull when all of a sudden here one comes, and he can't be more than 60 yards away. I hurried and nocked an arrow and sat down when he appeared at 6 yards. He was just a spike so I wasn't going to shoot, but I wanted to see how close he would come. He slowly eased my way trying to figure out what that funny looking bush was. He didn't stop until his nose was less than 6 inches from the top of my head. My bow was sitting on my knee and the broadhead on my arrow was a few inches from the side of his neck. It was then that I realized that he only had two moves. The first was to go right over the top of me, and the second was to whirl around and possibly kick me with his hind legs. I didn't know what to do. I thought that if I yell, or jump up, he would try and kill me to get away. so I decided to just flinch a tiny bit. When I did, he jumped straight up in the air and landed a few feet back before he turned and went the other way. He could have just as easily went through me and pounded me into the ground. I don't know who was more scared, him or me.

I'm sure that that buck was just trying to get out of there, and the hunter happened to be in the way. Scary situation.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:45 pm
by MuleyMadness

That is a very cool and YES scary story!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:32 pm
by supersiderjr
A friend of my dad's here had to kill a 4 x4 with a kershaw knife after it attacked him. It was in the newspapers here in Idaho. Guy thought he hit it right at dark with his shotgun with slugs so he backed out till morning and came back with his wife and 3 kids and dog. Well the buck went into the corn field. Didnt think it went far and would be dead. Nope they got into the corn and Cory saw the buck and saw it heading towards his little kids. Dog got in the way and it attacked dog so he went after the buck when it turned on him. Well fell over head in between horns and rode it out. Corn stalks wouldnt let him get out of there so he pulled his kershaw and stabbed it multiple times. Finally it died. He got it mounted to remember that.
But it was in the newspapers and I think it was posted on another website.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:44 pm
by supersiderjr
Here is the link to the newspaper. Its old so hopefully it works here. ... tory.1.txt

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:19 pm
by bigbuck92
cool story ssjr