How long will you hold...

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How long will you hold...

Post by utbowhunter23 » Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:09 am

As most of us have seen the "How far will you shoot?" thread I didn't want to hijack that thread so I wanted to start a new thread... How long will you remain at full draw before letting it down? I know a lot of us have experiences that when we are out in the hills got that buck, bull, target whatever it may be in our sights but the angle is wrong, or the animal is moving, it's behind a bush, etc we find ourselves at full draw anticipating a clear shot. So how long can you hold and from what distance?

I was out shooting today and have experienced this in the field as well, but today I wanted to see how long I could hold my bow back, get fatigued, and still have the ability to steady myself and make a shot to the vitals from 20 yards, I tested quite a few yardages and times anywhere from 5 seconds up to about 40. I tried 5 yards out to 30 yards... it will be another week or so before I will be confident to be at full draw for 20 sec at 30 yards so What is your threshold on when you will let down and pull back again?

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Re: How long will you hold...

Post by NONYA » Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:15 am

Allll day loooonnnng...I go to full draw when I leave the vehicle and hold it till I return or make a kill,I have a little help though...

m gardner
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Re: How long will you hold...

Post by m gardner » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:03 pm

If I can't move at all about 1 1/2 minutes and hit anything. If I can drop my left arm and put my right hand on my collar bone alot longer but I never timed it.

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