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looking for new bow

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:43 am
by huntingal
I am in the market for a new bow and would like feedback (good or bad) on different brands. I will probably need something with adjustable poundage. Right now I can handle 50# but would like to work up to more. Also, accurracy and quietness is on top of the list of requirements. I will be using it on elk and shots will be under 40 yards. Any sugestions?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:40 pm
by Bowedark
Your best bet would be, to go to some bow shop. Shoot they bows & find one that feels good. Don't buy the first 3 you shoot. There are a lot of good brands out there. Have fun with it.

O have them reduce the pounding pull, so you would be able to shoot.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:25 pm
by a_bow_nut
When the wife and I were looking for a bow for her to start hunting with she found that she liked the Parker Challenger the best. Not saying that is the one to choose just saying that it might be one to look at.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:47 pm
by Wapiti
Your best bet would be, to go to some bow shop. Shoot there bows & find one that feels good.
I agree shot a bunch of different bows and will find one you like.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:30 pm
My wife just bought the mathews mustang and is very happy with it.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:24 am
by Wharpoley
i agree with the above posts, test shoot as many as you can and find one you like.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:29 pm
by fly741
We also bought my wife a Mathews mustang and really like it.