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Newbie Mulie Hunt

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:54 am
by A Bolt
I've decided my first western hunt will be for a mulie and have a few questions:

1. I've got it in my head that SW Wyoming is where I want to go - Is this a good idea for a first time western hunter looking for a nice representative buck (150 +)?

2. Does anyone have any guides they recommend?

3. I like the idea of a horseback hunt - any thoughts?

4. I've got a .30-06 A Bolt Stainless Stalker with the Boss and a 7mmWSM Model 70 with walnut stock. Which one would you take?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:25 am
Better find out if you can draw a tag there before you go do "THE EASTMAN WAY".

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:44 pm
by Wyosheds
SW Wyoming is where I live and I don't even hunt here if that gives you a clue. Don't get me wrong there are some nice deer here but there is not alot of good deer country in this part of the state. What good deer country there is mostly Private Land that does not allow access and the rest is hunted extremely hard by alot of people.

But if you are going to use a guide and want to hunt SW Wyoming Wendell Fraughton of Muddy Creek Outfitters will do just fine. He owns a huge ranch and does his hunting on his ranch. It will not be a horseback type of trip, SW Wyoming is not that type of country. If you want that you need to go for Region G or H.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:05 pm
by 9er
i second muddy creek outiftters, but like mentioned before, they wont be using any horses!!!


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:16 pm
by A Bolt
(**!!) I guess I got my areas screwed up a bit - I didn't mean south west, I meant west, as in the Bridger Teton area.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:39 pm
by Wyosheds
My Cousin owns Trefren Outfitters out of Thayne Wy. I have no idea how they are and am not in any way endorsing them but they do the type of hunt you are looking for.

They hunt the Little Greys river area of Region G and the pictures I have seen from my cousin I believe they have been pretty successful over the years. Go to and check out thier stuff.

Do you have any preference points for for Wyoming? If not it will be hard to draw Region G this year without a couple of points accumulated.

Sorry I had the wrong web address.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:33 pm
by silvertip-co
...I wanna go too.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:36 pm
by M.Bird
Not sure why you don’ want to hunt the SW Wyoming, around Mt. View I’m not sure of the hunting, but go east into the Snowy Range, you have a lot of public land and some great hunting. Not as many 30+ bucks as 10-15 years ago, but they are still there, just have to get away from the roads. Good gene pool down around Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owens area, heavy horns, good spread, with height, 4X4, not that many non-typical.

Best area: Only hunters allowed, sportsman stay away, that is Sheep Mt. it rough, it steep, it has public access, and some of the biggest bucks, if you are willing to work. If that area is to rough, look around squirrel creek (not sure if that is the true name, but it been called that for years) north of Fox Park.
Yes there is some public pressure around FP, that’s why I say get away from the roads.

Happy New Years from the “Sand Box”

M. Bird

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:42 pm
by Wyosheds
Ya I hunted the Snowies for a few years while I was at the UW. Very nice area but it is too far for me to drive when with an hour drive I can be in the best country Wester Wyo has to offer. I absolutely love the Salt River Range, Wyoming Range, The Hoback, Gros Ventre and the Wind Rivers. If anyone hasn't had the opportunity to do a back country pack trip in any of these areas I highly reccomend giving it a try if possible.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:11 pm
by M.Bird
I will echo the Salt and the Wind, Spend many a day in the Wind range, Some beautiful country, looks are deceiving, some very rough places back there, recommend that the people carry a GPS until they know that area, to many canyons and draws look alike.
Not sure witch is better to hunt; both have some advantages over the other.
Like your comment on the bottom, believe if you are west of Nevada you should take 2.