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Re: Trouble finding sheds

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:19 pm
by sactribe
When I am targeting an area that I know has sheds I use my GPS and walk grids with spacing of anywhere from 20 to 50 feet depending on visibility and number of trees and bushes in my line of sight. I try to use natural landmarks like a fence or road to keep me in the general area and then go back and forth until I have hit the whole area. I also walk slowly looking left and right and sometimes backwards. I mark the sheds I find on the GPS and it creates patterns from year to year. Of course, sheds can fall anywhere, but there do seem to be some concentrated areas that produce from year to year. Even when I hit an area hard I sometimes find white sheds that I missed before.

Re: Trouble finding sheds

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:33 pm
by kchesley
I agree there. It's like I walk right by them and don't see them. I have found 13 white sheds this year that I should've found last year because I know I walked that area and must have passed right by it. Brown is hard to see in that kind of cover until it's white. I can't believe it's March 8th and I saw 5 bucks still packing both sides. I didn't disturb them, let them be but it's just amazing the difference in the kind of winter has on the time they drop.

Re: Trouble finding sheds

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:45 pm
by MuleyMadness
I saw 6 bucks yesterday the 9th, only 1 had both sides. One HAD one side left until he was kinda enough to donate it to me just yards away. :)

Re: Trouble finding sheds

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:13 pm
by kchesley
Now that would be cool to have them drop while you are watching. I have been waiting for that moment to happen. Went out scouting elk yesterday and still saw bucks packing. Crazy winter