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Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 5:01 pm
by killerbee
AGCHAWK wrote:DANG! Sorry to hear it, Killer.

I would think that they HAD to see him hide them if they were hidden as well as you stated. That makes it even worse IMO.
he said he walked around the horns at 5-10 feet and you couldn't see a single bit of antler.
worst part is he is a pack mule, who normally has a pack loaded with sheds. never "stashes " but was convinced there was nothing to worry about. :>/

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:14 pm
by Muley Shed Freak
Doesn't that just beat all! What scumbag would do such a cowardly act! Wrapped up in a coat non the less. Dang! Sorry man! I'll keep my eyes and ears open. Hope he finds them!

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:39 pm
by elkowalick
It's too bad that integrity doesn't mean anything to a lot of people anymore. I am so sorry to hear about this!!! Whoever took them didn't happen upon them in an hour and a half. How well did he know the guy with him?

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:51 pm
by NotEnufTags
That is one cool set of sheds. Sorry for your buddy. Have you posted the story and pics of them on the web other than just here on MM. MM is a great site but I don't think Brett has reached the 350 million plus living in the USA yet?

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:20 pm
by killerbee
i did post it on a few different forums. hopeing to get some more people to see it. mainly one just for oregon shed horn hunters.
he didn't know the guy with him that well at all, deffinatly his first gut feeling was that he had moved them when they split up. he said where they were at, the odds of anyone even looking at them in glasses would have been slim because they had just went over a lip on a hill that you really couldn't glass. and i seen a pics of the nest he left them in , you litterally would have watched him place them there to know it. it's to bad :>/

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:47 pm
by IdahoShdHntr
I believe i saw these on MonsterMuleys. That is just to bad that someone would do that. If they did not have the coat around them it would be a really bad accident. But when they see the coat with them and take them and leave the coat. That makes me sick.

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:54 pm
by killerbee
ya, i posted them on there to. i'm afraid their probably gone for good. it's a pretty low stunt for someone to pull.
live and learn i suppose :>/

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:00 pm
by bigbuck92
i had some chalk horns disappear from my flower bed a few days ago. Thats pretty low when they even take it out of a yard and they were just tiny chalk horns. :>/

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:59 am
by elkowalick
IMO it is a pretty sure bet that the guy with him did it based on what you have said. If it were someone random glassing - then they would have taken the coat too ( its a Sitka!!!). If it was the guy with him he would leave the jacket so your buddy would find it and wouldn't think he was looking back in the wrong place for his horns and possibly find where he had re-stashed them!? Time to go shake him down!!! - just my opinion

Re: stolen elk horns

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:45 pm
by MatchedUp
Dude, its totally the guy that was with him....time to go have a talk! :-k