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10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:46 pm
by AntlersOutWest
The last few times id been out I nearly froze to death. I finnaly took my hunting partner "Little Rag Horn" advise and dressed for the weather. Warmer clothes, double socks, ect.. Well about an hour into the hike I was dying from heat exhaustion! Thats when I've decided NEVER listen to a man again :)
I toughed it out and found 1 brown shed and 9 year old ones. Hey a shed is a shed not matter how old! I was really supprized that I never found the 4 pt with the kicker last year. I must have walked right by it.Too bad I hadnt found it earlier. So now im on the quest to find the other side.
I always take my hounds with me, they love to go.. Still trying to teach "Duke" the 10 month old great dane to mind. She comes in handy when your going up hill. The 130 pound girl will drag you up the hill.. Its nice!
Even got my first sun burn of the year
Heres a few picts..

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:26 pm
AOW...Looks like a great haul for one day!

I have one question though...what the heck are those "swirls" around the kicker in the 4th pic?

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:31 pm
by Torch
Well done gotta love kickers. Looks like a couple of great shed hunting partners you have there too. :thumb

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:03 am
by MuleyMadness
Thats when I've decided NEVER listen to a man again
That's funny right there. :)

Great finds, love that kicker shed. :thumb

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:56 am
by NotEnufTags
Congrats on the finds. Sure is fun to bring something home.

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:41 am
by AntlersOutWest
I went back up after work today to find the other side. I used my gps and found the spot I found the 5 pt. My instinct told me go straight up the hill.. about 25 yard up I couldnt help but smile. I thought I found the other side.. Nope just another 4 pt So now I have 2 sheds to find.. My worries is that they are on the other side of the hill in 4 feet of snow and thick sage brush.. Until then I will be looking hard. Once in a while my dogs will bring one back but mostly they keep the lions away!
I love that country, lots of cedars, sand stone rock formations and its steep.
Only 8 more hours of work then im on the hill again.

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:02 am
by MuleyMadness
Cool country for sure, I thought you had the match also. :)

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:30 am
by Wild Antlers
Looks like a good time keep up the good work! good luck finding the other side, I really like the big cheater shed :thumb

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:45 pm
Very impressive. I never leave a shed behind. I like them old or new. That cheater is very cool. I am jealous.

Re: 10 sheds, 5.5 miles, sore feet and tired hounds

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:52 pm
by Hiker
Great job! Thanks for sharing.