SPAM! Idiots!!

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Post by BOHNTR » Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:47 pm

Unfortunately, it's a never ending chore Brett.......give me some "cleanup power" and I'll wipe up what I can for ya! :)
BOHNTR )))-------------->

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Post by bigbuck92 » Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:13 am

o me to. im on here all the time in the winter. :) I want power!!!!!!!! lol
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Post by MuleyMadness » Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:37 pm

I've managed to put a stop on them for a DAY now. :thumb

We'll see how long it lasts?

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Post by elkslayer338 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:27 pm

Define spam, you see I don't feel that it's spam if some one post's a good thread and keeps it up. They provide good reading for your forum. You do not have to check their link it's your choice. I believe we should promote hunting as much as possible. If some guy has a link to his ma and pop hunting store that is not spam. It relates to your venue" it's not like they are trying to sell you pills from India LOL" BUT, if that is a problem then inform them to pay for advertising space on your site. We as hunters must unite, don't cast out your own. I have set up a store to pay tribute to my family's Elk camp and promote hunting in general.
if I have a link to it is that spam? I dont think so ,lets not forget we live in the greatest cuontry in the world founded on freedom of speach and personel choice. When you moderate keep that in mind I know its bad with all the crap out their, and you have to delete costic threads but check what you are deleting. Spam is a four letter word that does not apply to all Links.
Now, I am a new member to your forum and I came across one of my posts from another site here. The Author stated he copied the premise from another site. No big deal it's great reading I would have hoped you all would have enjoyed his thread but it has been deleted ? It delt with "what lost gear have you found on the hunt".

Some of my best camp stories have revolved around items I have found
on the trail and in the bush. Some I have been able to return and have had gear returned to me by other hunters. The laundry list of gear includes, Knives, compasses,f lashlights, more Knives, all manner of camp equipment as far as that goes partial camps strewn down the trail, more knives, boots, hats, a back pack that had been out for a year "no ID" it was tore up but contained A set of Nikon binoculars, two nice compasses, GPS garmon " I put new batts in and it still worked but had no ID logged into it". When you find these items on the trail its one thing but when your of in the deep country it makes you think what the burn happened here.

My most memorable find is a Buck 119 Knife while on a trophy mule deer hunt near bonderant Wyoming, some 13 miles from the trail head I shot my 5x5 33" but after I was done dressing him out there was a reflection of metal some ten feet away. Sure enough it was a Buck 119 in good condition. I wrapped it between two sticks and duct taped it together and headed back to camp to relish in my new find and share the story with guys. Well, I put it away in my bag so when I got out I could get a sheath for it. You see, from that hunt I went directly to my family Elk hunt in Colorado. So, on the way I stopped at a army surplus store in Glenwood Springs and picked up a temporary sheath until I could order one from Buck knives. Bad idea, some five miles from camp it slipped out of the cheap hind end sheath and when i got back to camp I realized what happened so after all the guys had there turns joking about it. I set off on foot to re-trace my steps and hope I might get lucky and find it again. Well, turns out that it broke out where I loaded up the horses but I found it. Returning to camp victorious we all had a good laugh about it. Now, the story is not over yet for you see, dad and I stop at the Cabela's Sydney Nebraska store on our way home every year. While we were their it dawned on us to check the bargain cave to see if they had any buck 119 knives returned broken that still had a sheath. You know what they did so went to check out. It was at that point that the cashier inquired why I was buying a broken knife. So, I told her the story she inturn informed us that Buck knives had a booth set up on the other end of the store and that they may have a new sheath or send me one. Well, on this new intel dad and I went to the booth and you know what?... the guy sitting their was none other than Chuck Buck himself and he was signing knives. He took the time to hear the story of the knife that I found in Wyoming lost in Colorado only to find it again, and on this he told me to go get it, so I did He engraved GOOD FIND STEW CHUCK BUCK and good hunting on the other side.

I take that knife on every trip it has a luck about it .
** note Chuck sent me a new 119 sheath. What a great guy!

Now, if i had posted my link on there would I become one of your evil spammers get real. If you delete it you just gut a good post. I have had this discussion with other forum mods and they have allowed me to post my link because it did not fall into there definition of spam.

p.s.I'm the founder of the V.C.A and a forum mod my self . organizer for The fallen and wounded soldier fund " We are a non-profit, non-partisan entity. Our members do not receive any financial compensation for their efforts. Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund is all volunteer with everyone working from the kindness of their hearts with a strong regard to support our troops.

We are honored to help families with their expenses to visit their injured loved ones in hospitals as well as supporting handicapped victims and the spouses and children of those fallen soldiers.

lastly the Melrose Elk Camp Store "my pride and joy"a website store for
The promotion of Big game Hunting and a tribute to my dad and uncle.

great site guy's good hunting and may your camp be warm and dry
buck 119.jpg
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Post by AGCHAWK » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:45 pm

elkslayer338, well written post.

I agree with ya and can say that the spam that was referred to is not related to such things as someone posting a link to another hunting site, gear site, etc and are actively interested in hunting . The spam we were referring to was bogus "members" and links to porn sites, sites that sell various generic or pirated pills and potions, car insurance, etc.
In fact, one of the forums is open specifically for folks trying to sell goods, services, etc related to hunting and the outdoors.

There are a number of members here at MM that own businesses or web sites related to hunting in some capacity or another and have thus far been free to post their links. I think that having a member of the MuleyMadness site that is actively posting/participating in posted conversations or topics becomes a valuable member of the "family" and I personally have no problem with 'em posting a link to their business or web page. What I don't like are folks that take advantage of Brett and his hard work and diligence here at MuleyMadness by using it as free advertisement for stuff that does not relate to our passion....hunting.

Of course with all that being said, Brett is the big boy on the block and as the owner of this site he has the right to decline or delete anyone that he deems as an interloper or would otherwise bring discredit to him, the site, or its members.

I for one welcome you aboard and look forward to future posts. Who knows, I may have some "business" for ya sometime and having you as an active member comes as quite a convenience...LOL

Lastly, as an active duty member of the Unites States Military and an Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran I thank you for your efforts in supporting our troops!

Thanks again.

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Post by MuleyMadness » Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:42 pm


Here is the definition of spam, that COVERS everthing and I like.

spam 1. (From Hormel's Spiced Ham, via the Monty Python "Spam" song) To post irrelevant or inappropriate messages to one or more Usenet newsgroups, mailing lists, or other messaging system in deliberate or accidental violation of netiquette.
It is possible to spam a newsgroup with one well- (or ill-) planned message, e.g. asking "What do you think of abortion?" on soc.women. This can be done by cross-posting, e.g. any message which is crossposted to alt.rush-limbaugh and alt.politics.homosexuality will almost inevitably spam both groups. (Compare troll and flame bait).
Posting a message to a significant proportion of all newsgroups is a sure way to spam Usenet and become an object of almost universal hatred. Canter and Siegel spammed the net with their Green card post.
If you see an article which you think is a deliberate spam, DO NOT post a follow-up - doing so will only contribute to the general annoyance. Send a polite message to the poster by private e-mail and CC it to "postmaster" at the same address. Bear in mind that the posting's origin might have been forged or the apparent sender's account might have been used by someone else without his permission.
The word was coined as the winning entry in a 1937 competition to choose a name for Hormel Foods Corporation's "spiced meat" (now officially known as "SPAM luncheon meat"). Correspondant Bob White claims the modern use of the term predates Monty Python by at least ten years. He cites an editor for the Dallas Times Herald describing Public Relations as "throwing a can of spam into an electric fan just to see if any of it would stick to the unwary passersby."
Usenet newsgroup:
See also netiquette.
2. (A narrowing of sense 1, above) To indiscriminately send large amounts of unsolicited e-mail meant to promote a product or service. Spam in this sense is sort of like the electronic equivalent of junk mail sent to "Occupant".
In the 1990s, with the rise in commercial awareness of the net, there are actually scumbags who offer spamming as a "service" to companies wishing to advertise on the net. They do this by mailing to collections of e-mail addresses, Usenet news, or mailing lists. Such practises have caused outrage and aggressive reaction by many net users against the individuals concerned.
3. (Apparently a generalisation of sense 2, above) To abuse any network service or tool by for promotional purposes.
"AltaVista is an index, not a promotional tool. Attempts to fill it with promotional material lower the value of the index for everyone. [...] We will disallow URL submissions from those who spam the index. In extreme cases, we will exclude all their pages from the index." -- Altavista.
4. To crash a program by overrunning a fixed-size buffer with excessively large input data.
See also buffer overflow, overrun screw, smash the stack.
5. (A narrowing of sense 1, above) To flood any chat forum or Internet game with purposefully annoying text or macros. Compare Scrolling.

The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2006 Denis Howe

As far as the SPAM, I was referring to in this thread...

AGCHAWK is correct in this statement...
The spam we were referring to was bogus "members" and links to porn sites, sites that sell various generic or pirated pills and potions, car insurance, etc.
As far as what you posted and is/was it SPAM or in VIOLATION of our rules. Quite simply YES is was. Not the SPAM that bugs me NEAR as much as the original intent of this thread however.

Here are the forum rules...

Here is the part you violated...
*Please no advertising or links to other hunting related websites.
Also see #3 above.

And upon registering you received this information also...
You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
As the Administrator, I deleted your messages personally. I felt you where promoting self and your site. Which I personally did visit BTW.

Your store did relate to my venue, remember you DID NOT post a single comment to anything other than self. I deleted the first one and then next day you posted again. I deleted it again.

I have allowed some folks in the past to post links to there personal sites for FREE. Some which I choose, not all. Why you ask, because they did exactly what you didn't do. They started posting to the site/forums and sharing etc.

Then I met them and they sent me an email asking do you mind if I ...

I gave them permission, because they had contributed to the "FAMILY" here at MuleyMadness. I could have said no please see our ADVERTISING packages.

Another example is where another fellow asked the EXACT same question as above. I said if you're interested in contributing and adding to MuleyMadness also, then I'll let you. FUNNY things is I've NEVER heard from him since and to my knowledge he has never made a post to the forums to add or contribute anything, other than he wanted to for self.

I'm way off on this topic, but you get the point I'm sure. I'll use this thread for future reference.

As for WELCOMING you to MM.


As for your thread on "stuff found where hunting" I read it also, would be appropriate for the "General Hunting" thread, it's a good one. We need to dig it out of this SPAM thread and give it, it's own thread.

As for winning me back on your site link. GOOD 4c

:) :))

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Post by MuleyMadness » Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:58 pm


Now that I'm on a tangent, as for your website and link. It's included already in every thread you post for any and ALL members to click on if they choose.

See profile.

I also added this text to the "CLASSIFIEDS" forum in to clear up any confusion of my intent and use of that forum.
Please no posts to commercial sites for self gain.

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Post by bigbuck92 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:52 pm

Thats one of the longest posts ive ever
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Post by elkslayer338 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:18 pm

OMG I did not think it was that bad who would do such a thing, well in that case :222 let-em have it. Mountain man translation " gut-em with a dull antler and leave-em in the high country where mountain men's bones are stacked like quard wood. Sorry again

I guss the guy who started the post hear deleted it himself. I had no prob with him using my story since he said he got it from another site. Truth be known its popped up on at least 10 sites since I posted it a few weeks ago.
I will post it again hear Im new to the hunting forum scene so bare with me.
May your loads be even and your trail dry
Elkslayer338 on yearly Elk hunt in Colorado shot a rag-tag bull and took a hatchet to the knee when dressing him out oct 26 2006
Elkslayer338 on yearly Elk hunt in Colorado shot a rag-tag bull and took a hatchet to the knee when dressing him out oct 26 2006
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Post by MuleyMadness » Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:44 am

I guess the guy who started the post here deleted it himself.
I'm not sure what story you're talking about, I've never seen or heard it?

Not sure it was ever posted here either?

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