Color Country Outfitters in trouble

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Post by Anonymous » Sat Jul 03, 2004 2:17 pm

In my opinion the bottom line is this. If a buck runs up against an 8' high fence and is trapped and you shoot him anyway, then you are an unethical slob. It makes no difference how or why the fence got there. why is eeryone so afraid to simply state the obvious. If the outfitter allowed it he is an unethical slob. the hunter who shot the deer is worse still. those of us with resp3ect for the game we hunt cannot allow this kind of garbage to go unanswered. The outfitters statements tell me all I need to know about this incident. It can only get worse as more facts emerge.

The people involved are unethical slobs and do not deserve to be called hunters. They embarased all of us and I hope they throw the book a them.


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Dead On

Post by CountingCoo » Sat Jul 03, 2004 2:24 pm


You hit the nail on the head. It is sad that people have to wonder whether or not this situation was unethical or not. It was flat out disgraceful. It is obvious that the outfitter knows it so what is there to debate? I could not shoot the buck of a lifetime if he was penned up against an 8' fence, no matter how he got there. I would feel sick every time I saw him on the wall.

Thanks for having the guts to say what we should all be yelling.


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Post by Danthe2pointmuleyman » Sat Jul 03, 2004 4:53 pm

i think there is alot to be said on both sides of the story there. the TRUE hunter will use the ethic of fair chase but what is fair chase? is a guided hunt fair chase? how bout a fenced hunt? public hunt? what is fair chase? i love the public hunts but does one trophy mule deer stand anymore of a chance with 5 different hunters shootin at him than a cornered mule deer? i personally watched a spike bull elk get shot at by 3 different hunters and than the hunters argued who's elk it was, so does that make thems slobs? my opinion of this whole topic is why ppl have the desire to spend all that money on a guided "hunt", sounds to me its just like fishin at a trout farm lol ur garanteed a fish. i think lawenforcement should send them out into the wild an let the wilderness get its payback on them, maybe they will have alot more respect for nature an be thankfull we have creatures such as the mule deer. jus my two cents worth though
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Post by 30inchbucks » Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:54 pm

The botton line is these guys have been doing this kind of garbage for years and getting away with it. The fence in the video is new this year. It runs almost the entire length of the South end of the ranch and it does run the entire length of the hayfields all the way to the main road to Alton. How convenient that the fence was built on the side where the deer migrate to pulic land, could it be to trap them in? When I saw the fence this year I knew what they had in mind and I informed the fish and game that they ought to take a look at that fence. I drew a Pauns Tag this last year and had the opportunity to see the deer that was in the video alive several times. They were coming in from the South side and accessing the fields right down the main road. During the early archery hunt he was still alive. The rumor is that on September 1st before light while the deer were still in the fields the guilty parties parked their trucks on the main road blocking the deer from leaving the fields. Then they pursued the deer knowing they had no where to go except to run into the fence. To make matters worse the guy shot and wounded it and then his gun jammed. One of the guides jumped in a truck and ran back into town, which is only a few blocks away, for another gun while the deer was running up and down the fence bellering trying to get out. Once the guy got back with the gun then they finally shot it, and that is what is seen on the News tape. The tape seen on the news is supposedly no where near what the real tape showed. I can't believe that Wade Heaton could stand there and play the whole thing off like he did on the news. The way he hum hahed around everything seems to me an admission of guilt as he is trying to cover it all up. As far as I'm concerned his whole operation should be shut down permanantly and his guide's license revoked along with several heavy fines. He should never be able to guide or hunt in Utah again. And by the way, the fence also needs to be torn down. It will be interesting to actually see what happens. It will probably be a minor fine and his hand slapped and he will be out there doing the same thing this year and for years to come. Now that is some justice aint it? If the rumor is true, I would say from the sources that it is 100% true, then they need to make an example out of him. It shouldn't matter how much land his family owns it doesn't give him a right to butcher our resource and make a mockery out of the sport we all love so much. Just my opinion.

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Post by BOHNTR » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:51 am


Thanks for your last post, it was very informative and objective. The story was relayed to me the same way 2 days after the incident supposedly occurred last year. IF these allegations are found to be true, then I too would like to see them lose their allotted tags. However, I don't think it will happen and here's why.

I've heard that the Game & Fish Department had this video in their possession loooong before the media gained access to it. Just from experience, this tells me there may not be any LEGAL statutes they can apply that will likely obtain a conviction or they would have pursued the matter BEFORE the media got involved. If this is true, you are left with ETHICAL issues alone. As you know, morals and ethics are VERY difficult to enforce from a law enforcement point of view. I'm not sure how the Utah Game & Fish regulates the issuance of landowner tags in terms of "do's and dont's" but maybe this will change policy so IF things like this occur there are repercussions.

Only time will tell, and we should ALL wait for the facts to surface at the conclusion of the investigation. Meanwhile........anyone been seeing any big deer??????

BOHNTR )))------------------->

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