What a difficult hunt!!

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by Utahbowhunter » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:43 am

Thanks for the update. Good luck tomorrow. I will pray for you to get one! :thumb Sucks you didn't get that 6x7

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by tommycaller » Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:18 pm

It sounds like you have a plan. Rest up and git er done. Alot of people will just give up after a few days. When it's all said and done, if you hang in there, you will know that you gave it your all. Good Luck and I hope you get a good one!
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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by The Ox » Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:34 pm

well if i remember right you had a wasatch tag right? yes it was difficult the weather was not good for hunting and i know how ya feel i hunted my guts out for my moose and just glad i was able to get on a few i seen a few bull elk nothing huge a decent 6x6 maybe 300 or so around coal mine hollow along the currant creek and i seen a medium 5x5 on chicken creek and a dinky 2x2 and they were bugling alot friday night i think probably 5 bulls around me at chicken creek 1 sounded pretty deep and throaty but never seen him goodluck hope ya get one!

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by MULEY7MM » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:34 pm

xcrossx I was just hopeing with this cold weather Deadi was haveing better luck [-o<
Glad to be back...


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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by MuleyMadness » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:03 pm

Yep it's officially over, hoping he tagged out? :-k

If not hope he had a blast anyway.

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by 9er » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:22 pm

i waited all day for a phone call nothing!!!!!! you would think he would call and let everyone know how he did

finally this evening i get a call, sounds like DEADI had a good hunt, hunted hard and had alot of good experiences, what else can a guy ask for??

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by killerbee » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:50 pm

9er wrote:i waited all day for a phone call nothing!!!!!! you would think he would call and let everyone know how he did

finally this evening i get a call, sounds like DEADI had a good hunt, hunted hard and had alot of good experiences, what else can a guy ask for??

hmmmmmmmmmmmm, that reply says nothing of sorts to if he killed a bull??????????????????????????

you wouldn't be holding back would you??????????????
c'mon! spill the beans lol
hope he was able to get-er'-done!
if not--- hope he had fun :thumb

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by 9er » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:58 pm

killerbee wrote:
9er wrote:i waited all day for a phone call nothing!!!!!! you would think he would call and let everyone know how he did

finally this evening i get a call, sounds like DEADI had a good hunt, hunted hard and had alot of good experiences, what else can a guy ask for??

hmmmmmmmmmmmm, that reply says nothing of sorts to if he killed a bull??????????????????????????

you wouldn't be holding back would you??????????????
c'mon! spill the beans lol
hope he was able to get-er'-done!
if not--- hope he had fun :thumb
DEADI is lurking around, wish he would hurry and post up a report!!!

he is home, as today was the last day. come on deadi, tell us what happened!!! :)

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by DeadI » Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:22 pm

Alright Alright Alright geesh.

Well to begin were I left off. I took the day off on sunday for some rest and to regain a little bit of strength. We were up at 3:30am and on our way to what hoped would be a honey hole. We arrived to were we wanted to be to be greeted by a partly cloudy, windy, cold sky. We could hear a few bulls way off in the distance. When it got light we could see one bull, not realy big but he was quite a ways away. We worked our (my dad has been with me the whole hunt) way up the ridge to were he was at and was greeted by 3 different bulls bugeling, however once again the terrain was very steep and even thicker than it was steep. I tried everything I knew how to do to try and get one of them to come up to were I could get a look. However when I cow called they decided they did not like me and they went the other direction in a quick hurry. Needless to say pretty soon all was quite and nothing came into view.

On to the next area were we saw a very small 3pt and a very small 4pt. I was with in range (300 yards) but there was no way that I was going to work that hard to get one of them animals out when they were that small.

That was all we saw, and we were not reall impressed with the area so we decided to mover to a completly different area. We hike another 5 miles Monday morning, and then again another 3 miles monday afternoon. We figured we put on right around 65 miles during this last week (8 total days of hunting). When we got to our new destination we were greeted by a few hundred sheep. That ruined that area for the night, so we decided to take it easy for the rest of the evening and stayed close to camp.

As we were coming around this ridge there he was just standing there at about 200 yards, I thru the scope up and right there dicided that my hunt was over, my 7mm roared and the bullet smacked him on the back edge of the front shoulder, it broke throught that shoulder and completly destroyed the liver, part of a lung, and completly severed his windpipe, ( wich is were we found the main part of the bullet). He went about 20 yards and piled up.

He is not the biggest bull that I saw, but I could not be happier to have been able to harvest this great animal man did I ever work my arse off for him. I just could not get the stars alighend right for me to be able to sill the deal on one of them, but last night things finaly worked out Here is a pic for you to enjoy.

I shot him at 7:30 pm last night and we did not get back bed last night till 1pm. We got home today at 12 pm, and imeditaly started cutting up the meat (we process our own). Till 10pm, so as you could imagain I am dead tired.

The best thing about this bull is that he is going to tast alot better than "Tag Soup".

Enjoy the pic everyone.
IMGP2612 [800x600].JPG

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Re: What a difficult hunt!!

Post by killerbee » Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:49 pm

congrats DEADI!!! way to stick with it! as long as you had fun with your dad, what else matters!

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