abuse of the photo section

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Post by BOHNTR » Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:34 pm


No, you are not losing your mind. I went for a week and a half to Arizona. Had a few opportunities at some smaller 4x4's (140-150"), but decided to pass for something bigger. Well, I came home empty handed so that tells you how many I saw bigger and had an opportunity at. :) Thank goodness for CA wild hogs and turkey season to keep the bowhunting embers going.

BOHNTR )))----------------->

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Post by AGCHAWK » Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:43 pm

Man, I was depending on ya to show us few pics of the hog you took. That's cool though, if hunting was easy it wouldn't be so much dang fun! Besides, those 4x4s will be that much bigger next year.

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Post by He'll_Be_Bigger_Next_Year » Tue Feb 10, 2004 8:04 pm

so, were we going to put the moderator plan into action or just mention it and forget it? just wondering, lol PM me if you need one(one meaning a moderator)

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Re: this is gay

Post by He'll_Be_Bigger_Next_Year » Thu Feb 12, 2004 10:38 am

rYAN wrote:you are all gay quite complaning
and maybe we should put a filter or something in the forums, because some little children feel like big guys saying things and hiding behind a computer hundreds of miles away, they also can't spell well

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Post by DBARCHER » Thu Feb 12, 2004 4:15 pm

Did PETA get into the site. Every Mountain Lion post has something complaining that we shot a poor defensless animal. :x

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Post by AGCHAWK » Thu Feb 12, 2004 5:43 pm

I saw that and replied to same. As you saw by my statements, certainly don't agree with what was posted and think it's rather ridiculous but everyone is entitled to thier opinions I guess, provided that they are not vulger, rude, or demeaning.
What I don't get is that the whole idea of what we do upsets these individuals yet they took the time to look through the entire photo section to pick out certain pictures (i.e. cougars). I certainly would not spend the time on a site that promotes anything that I don't care for!

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Post by AGCHAWK » Thu Feb 12, 2004 5:54 pm

After giving it much thought, I went back and deleted those comments. After all, if you read the warning when you attempt to post a message on one of the pictures it specifically states: "Caution: No foul, obscene, vulgar, sexually oriented, hateful, threatening, or abusive language is allowed when posting comments. Also no advertising, and links to other websites. Thanks MuleyMadness Management"! I decided that although they where boarderline, they were rather hateful and abusive.
By the way, if anyone else finds inappropriate comments let me know. I tried to go through the vast majority of the photos to clean them up but may have missed one or two. I am not going to weed through all the comments questioning whether or not the animal was "big enough" or if they are worth posting, just the comments that fall into one of the catergories above. Thanks.


Inappropriate posts

Post by Anonymous » Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:18 am

I am new to you site and enjoyed it very much, that was until I got to photos section. To put it bluntly the comments made by some of the posters make me not want to return. They are absolutely ridiculous and take away something from your otherwise great site. Why do you allow such negative remarks and inappropriate comments? Being a web designer by trade and having a deer hunting website of my own I know how many hundreds of hours have went into creating this site. It really surprises me that you let such negative posts be made and then let them remain. After all when it comes down to it it's is a reflection on you. I am sure there are many viewers of your site that feel the same way that I do.

I realize you are probably putting a ridiculous amount of hours into this website for very little return but since the site is on-line it seems to me your owe the hunters who take the time to contribute their photos (after all they are a major part of your site) a place where their photos can be enjoyed by hunters who appreciate them, and not ridiculed and laughed at. Its obvious that quit a few of the regulars enjoy insulting people and care only about big horns. Is this really the way you want your site to be viewed. Not to mention that many of the posts have nothing to do with the deer pictured, they are just personal attacks on the hunter or another poster.

There are many things that can be done to prevent such comments. Number one is to make it perfectly clear that such negative comment will not be allowed and anyone who post such comments will be banned from the board. This is a simple thing to do by blocking their computers ISP number from posting. Every message board I have ever used has had this option. It will also prevent people from using fake e-mail address to hide their identity. Many of the negative posts come from the same people, they don't even bother trying to conceal there identity because they know nothing will be done about it. If you do this I am sure a few of them will bring up the "free speech" and "this is America, you cant do that" line but in the long run it will definitely be to your benefit. After all you are a deer hunting site and not a collage campus and YOU make the rules

Getting a bunch of moderators involved isn't the answer. Why should anyone have to waste there time watching over a bunch of ungrateful children. Just kick them off the site. It would take a while to figure out all of the ISP numbers that should be banned but it would be well worth it. You could start by entering the ISP numbers that have been logged already. Most people don't realize that every computer has its own individual number, making it very easy to block whoever is making the negative comments. I think it is also unfortunate that the current moderator can't take the time to "weed through" and remove all the "comments questioning whether or not the animal was "big enough" or if they are worth posting" and instead is just removing "the comments that fall into one of the categories the site has currently chosen to enforce". How about adding a new category that includes words like "common sense" and "be respectful"

Another option is to use the "foul language filter" that probably comes with your message board. This will let you replace selected words with words of your choice. For some reason people quickly tire of using inappropriate language when it is automatically replaced with warm fuzzy words like "schoonkie" and "teddy bear'.

Of course this is your website and you have to do, what you have to do, I just hate seeing such a great site being ruined by a few individuals who could obviously care less about that the integrity of your website. Imagine how many hunters haven't even bothered posting their photos because they don't want to be laughed at. Don't get me wrong I like big antlers as much as the rest of you and have taken my share of big bucks but in the real world, everyone doesn't have the opportunity to kill big bucks and big antlers are not all hunting is about

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Post by browtine » Sat Feb 14, 2004 4:10 am

http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/vie ... id=ek_1new

im still amazed by the replys people are leaving. the above is an example of a dumb hind end response. if i had posted that animal and got a response like that, i would ask that the picture be removed. something seriously needs to be done about this. Enough of us have offered to help but I agree basic moderation wont fix the problem. In my oppinion, this site needs to enforce logins in order to leave feed back. most people now days have high speed internet. that inturn makes for a static IP which would make one computer easy to track by the admin on this site. if that person abuses, attacks, or unjustly leaves feed back that would be considered improper to a reasonable person, they should be banned from the site. I understand that would not completely keep the same person from returning...but it would be easy to single out the people who are leaving these posts/responses. Its unfortunate that some people have to be so immature. The PETA issue may not be that for off base. I again offer any help that I can give to this site. I think its a great site and like coming here to read all the posts and learn from other hunters.
Later, Brandon

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Post by MuleyMadness » Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:52 am

Buckhunter33, browtine, & others.

1st off thanks for the posts, good to hear your opinion expressed. You bring up some important issues and they are very valid.

The 1st thing to realize is that our "photo section" is completely different than a forum or message board. It doesn't have the option of filters to remove foul language like a forum. Our forum does have this and it's in place and functioning fine.

2nd thing is there is no way to ban users according to there IP addresses, once again a forum is much more complicated and detailed than our "photo section". I cannot simply ban them, trust me, I wish I could.

3rd thing, yes I can add a new section that explains using common sense, respect, dignity, etc. However that will do little good for those who have none.

4th thing, our current moderator is doing a fine job. He just barely received his login info a few days ago. We will be adding more moderators very shortly.

5th thing, we are going to try the moderators option before our only other choice, which is to ban all users from posting comments. We feel the positive comments can be a very good and beneficial when used properly of course. So we will moderate it very heavily and closely and see if we can't clean up the crap. If not, we will ban all comment posting period. The reason we haven't done so is a little complicated, but no one wants to spend time obtaining a user name, pass, and then logging in to add a comment or post a quesion about a particular picture. If we haven't done such a great job in the future, we will do better.

5th thing, yes we spend an unbelievable amount of time, money, etc. working on this site. Many people have no clue the amount of time that an extensive site requires, some do, a lot of people don't. Yes, I can't understand why people love to trash others either.

Last thing, yes we do owe the hunters and viewers who do submit there photos. We will try and clean this up, okay we WILL clean this up.

Thanks for the views and opinion from the good guys out there!! Let us know if you have other opinons or suggestions that are better.

Buckhunter33, by the way, what is your hunting site?

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