blacktail slayer
3/8/11 12:18am
but I'm not about to give my personal info to some website at random.
On another note, PETA just pulls these kind of stunts (mother's milk in ice cream) soley to keep their name in the news. I just find it sad that there are people on this earth who actually donate money to them.
You just have to put your name, not all the rest of the info they wanted.
sorry, even if you mean well, your reputation exceeds your posts.
the way you agree with wolves, and being a member of "oregon wild" your nothing but a wolf in sheeps clothing.
just my 2 cents :thumb
FYI: ALWAYS be careful when putting private information/contact information on any site you are not familiar with. I'll check it out though....see what it's all about. Anything anti-PETA can't be all that bad.
you have your opinion, i have mine.