blacktail slayer
3/10/11 7:24pm
personally , i think you are the biggest "wolf in sheeps clothing" in the hunting forums today.
ANY HUNTER WHO READS HIS POSTS: blacktail slayer isnt the type of anti-hunter that will come right out and challenge normal thoughts, but he WILL slowly try and show us how WE are the problem, wolves were here first, and it is are duty to let nature take it's course.( i.e., let wolves run un-managed)
sorry- blacktail slayer, i just cant let you slip your way into another forum without letting people know whats coming :>/
I do believe that i would have to agree with you. every site i go to, all i ever see from him is a link for this or that. i have never seen him contribute anything useful.
Frankly, I wouldn't use the word misguided. I believe the wolf introduction was a calculated deliberate act completed with full knowledge of the eventual effects it would have on wildlife and ultimately the hunting of that wildlife. It isn't so much the wolf that puts fear into me: Given the lease to do so, states can manage the critters quite well. What makes the hair on the back of my neck prick are the individuals/groups with covert agendas and the clout (read-money) to push this thing through to its ultimate ugly conclusion... :>/