4/10/05 4:16pm
Dont ya think that they should make the elk unit in utah a 6 piont or better unit.

4/11/05 7:46pm
i dont know about utah but they should do it for some units here in Idaho

4/11/05 7:51pm
WEll it is just getting out of hand

4/12/05 7:30pm
there are less and less big bulls here

4/26/05 8:29pm
yea or just cut down on tags, but it makes sence because when those last days of the hunt come around they just want to get one and i know a lot of guys that blasted rags but I dunno, If they want meat then get a young one. So i don't know if theres a solution for it??? who knows???

4/27/05 12:40pm
Yes and well i just think that there is just too many dang dummys out there.

5/1/05 12:50pm
Six point minimum?!? If a state ever passed something like that they would lose out on a lot of revenue! I can understand setting up a few units in a state as "trophy" units, but if that were to happen state wide there would be such a loss in revenues from both residents and non-residents. I shot a spindly 5 point a few years back and my father-in-law saw the rack and thought I had shot a monster bull. He's from Texas, thinks an 18" spread on a whitetail is a monster buck. On the other hand, a LOT of elk hunters could care less about antlers. It's the meat that will feed the family for a year or more that they are out there for. My family and I put in for cow tags year after year. Many more cows running around than 6 pt bulls. Antlers are very pretty to look at but what it all boils down to is the only thing they are good for is stirring the pot. I'll take meat over antlers any day. The only reason I can hunt elk every year is because I bring home an elk and fill the freezer. The wife could care less if I ever shoot another deer but she plans on me getting an elk every year. So for elk I try for that cow tag. I can be a bit more selective on my deer though.