blacktail slayer
4/16/09 9:28pm
Thanks for the info Blacktail Slayer. Killer and I are both OSU fans and I was enrolled at OSU studying Natural Resource Management for a while (online).
Welcome to the site. If ya got some time, go to the thread in the Mule Deer forum entitled "MuleyMadness Roll Call" and introduce yourself.
but even if it was a copy and past, it's hard to not welcome a fellow NORTHWESTERNER!
by-the-way-- anyone hear how the OSU college baseball is looking this year :thumb
ha ha ha ha :))
I think this all started when they stopped studying stories in grade school like Jack and the Bean Stalk. If you're old enough you remember the place where the sleaze salesman trades Jack the "Magic Beans" for his cow. lol
P.S. I don't think they should be sued either. Dumb people need to get hurt a bit for buying into such things so they learn and products that don't work will fail in the marketplace eventually.
The bad news: It's not the BS barrel, barrel deresonator, cough silencer, or the ear protection. I guess I'll have to throw "it" away also... lol
I agree with ya too NONYA