
1. Archery = 5, Muzzle = 2-3 Rifle = 3

2. All of above

3. Archery most 500 or so, Muzzleloader 200, Rifle 350 bucks or so.

4. Male
1. Average about 45 days a year, depending on what I draw.

2. Archery only

3. Again-depends on what I draw, but average $2500.00 a year I guess. (tags, gas, equipment, multiple states)

4. Male
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1. Bow- 14, Muzzy -14, Rifle -21

2. All

3. $1500-2000ish for the year, split between out of state deer/elk (rifle) tags and instate lease (all).

4. Male
1. Anywhere from 60 on if you count Waterfowl and Upland game also.

2. Bowhunt only...

3. $2500.00 depending on travel and type...

4. Male
Archery: 15 but 0 this year do to injury Muzzle loader: 10 Rifle: 35

All of the above cause of laws in NC

Everything together probably $2000-$3000 with all the travel involved.

by blacktail slayer on Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:45 pm
I was wondering if everyone could answer a few quick questions for a statistics class I have in college by posting or sending me a PM. No names will be used and responses will be deleted as soon as I record the data. Thank you so much for all the help.

1. How many days a year do you hunt
15 days a year at least for big game and a couple for varmints

2. Do you hunt with a bow, rifle/muzzleloader/shotgun, or both? Bow for big game, rifle for varmints.

3. How much money do you spend on hunting each year (please separate as best you can if you archery and rifle/muzzleloader/shotgun hunt. 500-1000 a year

4. Are you male or female. male

Please disregard this post after 6-3-09
6x6 bull
I hunt about 50 days a year. Archery only, I think that you guys aren't telling the truth about how much you spend a year so your wives won't see, I will say that I spend about 5,000 a year on tags, gas motels, lease, and every year I find some new gizmo that I must have, male.