
"blacktail slayer" wrote:I was wondering if everyone could answer a few quick questions for a statistics class I have in college by posting or sending me a PM. No names will be used and responses will be deleted as soon as I record the data. Thank you so much for all the help.

1. How many days a year do you hunt (If you hunt with a bow and rifle/muzzleloader/shotgun; please separate days hunted per year)? 20

2. Do you hunt with a bow, rifle/muzzleloader/shotgun, or both? Bow/shotgun.

3. How much money do you spend on hunting each year (please separate as best you can if you archery and rifle/muzzleloader/shotgun hunt. This will include license, tags, gas, hotel, clothing, equipment, etc…) $1000.00

4. Are you male or female. Male.

Please disregard this post after 6-3-09.
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1. Bow= 10 days MZ= 5 days R=5 days

2. See above

3. Bow= $300 MZ= $150 R= $100 Tag/Liscense=$65 Misc=$50

4. Male

This is on average and is only big game, no upland or small game.
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1. 30 Days (20 Rifle, 10 Bow)

2. I have added a muzzleloader to the arsenal, however I have yet to harvest anything with it...

3. Too much!! On average, I'd say around $3,000...seems like there's always some new expensive piece of equipment I want! I'd probably split it up 70/30 for rifle/bow.

4. Male
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Days hunted this year 2009 61 all rifle
Hunted 2008 131 most rifle 15days ML about 45 with Shotgun
Hunt with Rifle, shotgun, Muzzle Loader
More than I should, but not as much as I want, over $10,000 per year
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1) 7 days rifle big game / 15 days shotgun ducks & quail .

2) Both and archery

3) Rifle big game $1,500.00 / Shotgun birds $500.00
