blacktail slayer
11/29/09 9:50pm
That being said I vote that we petition to stop allowing people to build homes in land that is very critical to deer, elk, moose, and other animals for food and survival. You are taking away valuable food sources from these animals especially during the winter months which leads to hundreds of animals starving to death. Ever thought about that? :-k How about the animal who don't have an arrow sticking out of them but are suffering from starvation and are going to die a slow agonizing death.
back on to the main subject, I cant stand hunters that take bad shots. I have been hunting the extended lately and have seen a few deer with arrows sticking out of their butts. I do understand it sometimes happens, but if ever in doubt just dont shoot.
hahaha good one!
A word of caution to my fellow hunters who might be tempted to add a comment to the list at the link. Even though you'll be stated how you feel about bowhunting you would still be adding a signature to an anti bowhunting petition. Don't post a comment or you are in essence supporting a bowhunting ban.