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I vote for not ending bowhunting! =; not all of us cant shoot
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That kind of stuff sure does not make us look good. But there was a lot of BS written in that petition. You know that the people in the middle who dont hunt but are not against it see that and turn against us to.
one hunting fool
can i get my arrow back? they are getting spendy
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It's very unfortunate that somebody didn't put the time in practicing and took a terrible shot. It is inexcusable on the part of that bowhunter and I hope he has since stopped bowhunting or learned better ethics.

That being said I vote that we petition to stop allowing people to build homes in land that is very critical to deer, elk, moose, and other animals for food and survival. You are taking away valuable food sources from these animals especially during the winter months which leads to hundreds of animals starving to death. Ever thought about that? :-k How about the animal who don't have an arrow sticking out of them but are suffering from starvation and are going to die a slow agonizing death.
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I feel the same way about building the homes. Look at Herriman they have expanded that so much and now you drive through the city and see deer all over in the subdivisions.

back on to the main subject, I cant stand hunters that take bad shots. I have been hunting the extended lately and have seen a few deer with arrows sticking out of their butts. I do understand it sometimes happens, but if ever in doubt just dont shoot.
The Ox
i think we need to start a site to petition anti hunters,enviromentalists...etc im gettin so sick of these stupid people trying to stop the stuff we love i mean come on why the heck would people bow hunt if it wasnt effective its just plain stupid to make th accusations these people do! i think there real problem is they are so anti everything they have nothing to do but whine and complain about other people enjoying there own life. i feel sorry for these people, they truly must be miserable people! this country is getting out of hand! makes me sick! i know im preaching to the choir but geez. these people are the ones causing all the damage to wildlfie in things like building there homes in vital deer habitat and winter ranges. i am starting to think these people arent human at all !!! in fact i think they morph into the insects when hunting season nears they are the flys and mosquitos and other bugs that just annoy ,pester and wont leave you alone while your sitting in your tree stand,blind or whatever... we cant even escape these evil bug people while even hunting... then after the hunts they morph back into people to start all there anti hunting propaganda i think we need a petition for them. so do your part and swat as many as you can while they are in bug form!
The Ox
"one hunting fool" wrote:can i get my arrow back? they are getting spendy

hahaha good one!
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I had to put my.02 in.
I went to the link and read a few of the comments. It's pretty sad what our country is turning into. Those of us conservatives that don't agree with a practice simple elect to not participate in it. Those who are liberal apparently are better than that. They seek to end the practice of others simply because they don't like it.

A word of caution to my fellow hunters who might be tempted to add a comment to the list at the link. Even though you'll be stated how you feel about bowhunting you would still be adding a signature to an anti bowhunting petition. Don't post a comment or you are in essence supporting a bowhunting ban.
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I just read a lot of the comments... I laughed at a lot of them lol. I wish that they would listen so we could actually teach them about bow hunting and how crucial it is to the deer population. haha and I wish that they had a comment section on there where you could comment on some of there comments without having to put a signiture on there. They are all idiots lol
What nature does can be more crue than that. Are they gonna stop that too?