blacktail slayer
2/1/10 9:44pm
i agree! what sucks is the best way to let them know we are not happy with the product is to not buy- right? but then on the flip side is- with some hard work you CAN be sucsessfull. so we/I still buy the tags knowing i can still have a decent hunt. but by NO MEANS am i satisfied with the product ODF&W are putting out. i've hunted out of state alot, but it isn't as a replacement to oregon hunting, it is on top of my oregon hunting. eleminating my home state hunting would still eleminate 5-8 weeks of hunting each year. and i couldn't do that either.
soooo- i'm stuck making oregon thinking they are doing a "good enough" job because i still buy ](*,) but you can bet that when i stop by the local office to talk to the biologist i let them know i'm not happy with it :>/