
All I'm getting when I click on the link is "page not found" (???)
That's all I get too, but nice to know.
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Just stop at the .com, it will take you to the link.
Fixed the link.
I have had some of this wine. Looks like it will stay "had".
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WIll wonders never cease. I hope the boycott of their company has some effect. With it being an Australian based company I wonder how much effect it will have? I'm not a wine person so I honestly have no clue of it's popularity... or former popularity as the case may be.
They responded with a form letter saying that they understand that it bothered some people that they made the donation, and that everyone differs in what they support. They said they have asked HSUS to use the money for their animal shelters/rescue division specifically. Big deal, that just frees up money they would have spent on that division (if it even really exists!) to be used against hunting! I wrote back and told them that I'm sure if we had caught them donating money to terrorists in Iraq, that I'm sure Iraq would also honor their requests to not use the money against the United States. Terrorists don't care about stuff like that! You just don't support terrorist organizations!! ](*,)
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Take a 1/4 cup of viniger 3/4 cup of water and some purple food coloring mix it togegther and IMO thats what most of there reds taste like. But what do you expect from a country that stripped thier citizens of thier gun rights.