'08 Paunsaguant Archery Buck
10/13/08 8:52pm
Hey Brett here are some photos of the buck you wanted to see. Casey Glover of Kanab killed him. I work with him and he said to go ahead and post them for you guys. As you can see he has some serious mass!! He is a 7x4 that grossed just over 200". Casey found him feeding up a ridge one morning and was able to get a head of the buck and he waited for him to feed bye at 40 yards. The arrow found the mark! Brett maybe you can add the live photo you have him. Enjoy the pics,
you just made my day. :thumb
I've been dying to see this buck as I watched him all summer. He is truly a stud of a buck!!
Thanks Jeremy and tell Casey many thanks for allowing us to see the photos.
Here is a photo I got of him a few weeks before the hunt opened.
Is that a lump I see on his forehead in picture #3 ?