.17 HMR

I'm thinking about getting a .17 HMR what is every body's thought's
I have a Marlin 917V. Bolt action with a 7 round mag. I'm not sure if I would buy one again. I've found that I really don't use it very much. I will say this, depending on what model you get, it's a tack driver. That Marlin 917V has a heavy barrel on it and is accurate. I can put all 7 rounds on the bullseye at 100 yards. Nikon is making a rimfire scope with the BDC reticle now and with that, we were hitting milk jugs at 200 yards. It's a really cool cartrige BUT. The ammo is fairly expensive for plinking and you really have to know what you're doing on a windy day. The .17 bullet doesn't need much wind to knock it off track. That being said, if you're a varmit hunter it's a great addition.
I don't own one, but have heard good things about them. Best of luck with your decision.