
:-k Is a .30/.30 effective for Black Bear :1
Not a bear hunter, however that sounds a bit on the "low" side of things. Maybe step it up a noch or 2 noches.

I'm sure a 30-30 will kill a bear, but you want to be sure and kill quickly. Sounds like that would just wound a bear to me?
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My grandad killed many a black bear with a .30-.30 (they are awfull hard on sheep). As with any weapon shot placement is the most important thing. If it were me though, I would want something a little bigger and with more knock down power.
Theres plenty of black bear in the area where I live so I plan to do some bear hunting this year. And even though I enjoy a levergun and I have a nice Marlin 336 sitting in my safe, I am opting for a gun with more hitting power for my bear hunts. While a 30-30 will certainly kill a bear, I will be packing a 45-70 instead.
My Grandfather use to kill bear with a 30/30. I'd say at 100 yards or less, they'd work fine. Use a good Nosler Partition.