(Graphic) Dont let your horse bite you

My Dad and I went for a horse ride this morning. We had just walked the horses across a creek (my colt would not cross it while I was riding him) My dads wanted him out of her way so she reached down and tried to take a chunk out of his arm. Luckily he was wearing a couple of jackets he had been just a t shirt she would have had a chunk of arm in her mouth. The jacket didn't tear so she actually did not get any spit or dirt into the wound but as you can see from the pictures his arm is going to be a little sore for a while.
what it looked like when we took the coat off and went to look at it.
before it got cleaned and before we left the mountain
After it was cleaned at home
OUCH, dang!
ouch. id be cryin like a little sissy if that happend to me.lol
lifetime hunter
"bigbuck92" wrote:ouch. id be cryin like a little sissy if that happend to me.lol
me too!!! ouch http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z134/lifetimedeerhunter/emoticons/cryy.gif" alt="" />
wowzer did you beat that hourse?
We don't call it beating anymore. We call it teaching them some respect. :))

The wifesays that is why we have al lgeldings. they are not quite as tempermentel.

That looks like some serious pain there.
Cowgirl In CO
"DeadI" wrote:My Dad and I went for a horse ride this morning. We had just walked the horses across a creek (my colt would not cross it while I was riding him) My dads wanted him out of her way so she reached down and tried to take a chunk out of his arm. Luckily he was wearing a couple of jackets he had been just a t shirt she would have had a chunk of arm in her mouth. The jacket didn't tear so she actually did not get any spit or dirt into the wound but as you can see from the pictures his arm is going to be a little sore for a while.
Yikes!! I'm so glad my horses haven't tried that yet. I better keep a look out for a horse bite like that.......
Cowgirl In CO
"a_bow_nut" wrote:We don't call it beating anymore. We call it teaching them some respect. :))

The wifesays that is why we have al lgeldings. they are not quite as tempermentel.

That looks like some serious pain there.
I agree! I have two mares and oh my! Sometimes I just want to pound them when they have the "mare moods."

I also teach my horses the respect thing. I have learned that is one of the best ways so they know you are the boss.

It also encourages people to enjoy riding when they don't have to worry about getting bucked off.
Yea she got a "Respect" lesson. I heard my dad yell, I turned around and see my dads arm in her mouth and him swinging, caught her as his arm was in her mouth. I hope she learned her lesson. This was the first stupid thing she has realy done since she was born. We have never really given us any problems. Hopefully she never tries that one again, or any of our other horses. I love riding them to much to say it is not worth having them. Guess you just have to be ready for them to act up at any time no matter how good they act.
That will leave a mark!!!

sure will.
did you bite back???????
Cowgirl In CO
"callofthewild" wrote:did you bite back???????
I love it! LMHO! =D> :thumb =D>
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