+New member+ Arizona Unit 9

New member from souther california. Grew up hunting all over the western states with my dad, and have put down a few animals (sheep, cow elk, bull elk, mule deer, blacktail deer, antelope). Just took up bow hunting to get some more time in the field each year. Headed to Arizona for the OTC archery in january and am hoping to give unit 9 a look. I did use the search function and have looked at Youtube and other sites for info. Seems the country is a bit dense with little elevation is what i have gathered. Really looking for some encouraging thoughts on solidifying committing to the area. My general idea was to hunt the Coconino rim area, put in a lot of time hiking and checking each valley. Thoughts??

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Never hunted 9 for deer always for elk. The Cocanino Rim country is good stuff, pretty thick in spots but has some good places to glass. Most of the deer I've seen have been along the Park boundary but I've never been there in January so they may not be up that high. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
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Thanks for the info, just got my Flatline map and getting pretty excited about the hunt. Dialed in my sight pins and shooting a lot.