11/21/09 8:53pm
For those in the St. George area I thought I would give a heads-up to try to catch some poachers. I was with the DWR officer today as he was bringing out 5 deer that were recently poached. 3 bucks, 2 does... 2 Bucks had the skull plate cut off and one still had it on. It was a nice 160's size buck. So Im assuming the poachers took the others cuz they were much larger..
Well anyways they were shot up behind the turkey farm and back behind diamond valley. There have been some leads on it, but just thought I would get the word out and have all those be aware for suspicious activity around the St. George area.
Here is a pic of the deer in the back of the DWR truck

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa119/snowboards32/poached-deer.jpg " alt="" />
Well anyways they were shot up behind the turkey farm and back behind diamond valley. There have been some leads on it, but just thought I would get the word out and have all those be aware for suspicious activity around the St. George area.
Here is a pic of the deer in the back of the DWR truck


11/21/09 9:20pm
absolutely rediculous. I'll be the first to admit if i ever caught a poacher red handed i'd...........well... i'm sure ya'll can guess what the rest of what i was gonna say is. I absolutely have no stomach for thieves, liars, and poachers.

11/21/09 9:56pm
This stuff really pisses me off, freakin bunch of losers. I hope someone opens there mouth and turns these losers in. :>/ :>/

11/21/09 10:00pm
I absolutely have no stomach for thieves, liars, and poachers. +1

11/22/09 1:10pm
For those of us who didn't score a good tag, let's get together and go poach some poachers. I say it's a win win situation.

11/22/09 4:38pm
I wonder if these guys are connected to it. They were arrested the other day done there.

11/22/09 5:53pm

11/22/09 6:01pm
Yes this is a different area, but not to far off...so who knows could be related? Would actually be nice if it was.

11/22/09 6:04pm

11/22/09 11:44pm
I highly doubt that the case mentioned above is related. The deer that were retrieved when I was out there were not being processed for consumption... They were killed strictly for their antlers.. So hopefully someone will be able to report something on them... I may head out a lot the next few weeks and see if I can hear or see anything. At least I would be able to see some deer too..

11/23/09 8:47am
scum bags...makes me sick, what a waste. Hope they get caught!

11/25/09 9:13pm
If your a poacher your no better of a hunter than anyone else! What is the fun in that the whole fun is trying to get a deer in season, there is a reason why there are seasons for hunting! People are ridiculous!