***political content***
10/30/08 10:07pm
Guys as sportsmen and gun owners I firmly believe we should be concerned about this election. Obama has made his stance against firearms clear. Please watch this video.
Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best boys. God bless.
I also don't see where the new administration could seriously harm out right to keep and bear. That just might cause a revolution. I doubt any president or congress wants to be associated with that, political suicide
Pete, I understand your concerns. I myself waited until after the 2004 election to enlist because I did not want to be in a military run by John Kerry. All you can do is what your told to do, until it goes against what you believe and then you make a decision from there. Hopefully it doesnt get to that point.
At the bottom the guy being interviewed says "These weapons are not self defense weapons they are simply weapons of death and destruction. It would benefit society to have them gone entirely.” Now how simple minded can people really be..... If I want to have an AR-15 or an M16, or an AK-47 to help me defend myself and my family or just to go plinking on the weekends then that should be my choice. Dont try to come through my front door and it will never be something you need to worry about. But to say they are "simply weapons of death and destruction" lands this guy on my crap list for sure. The gun by itself is harmless, it's the person holding the gun that would turn it into a "weapon of death and destruction", and that doesn't hold true just to assault rifles either. The same person could be just as deadly and destructive with a handgun, shotgun, or a 5 gallon can of gas for that matter. I just get so tired of this rhetoric that "guns are evil" and "guns are bad".
(One cloud that appeared on the horizon early in my tenure at T was the UN conference on small arms and light weapons,scheduled for July 9,2001. Ostensibly, the conference aimed at a political declaration on illicit trade in small arms, especialy as they flowed into "conflict zones". Although this was innocuous sounding, like many UN events,I nonetheless wondered what hidden agendas were floating around. As I better understood the likely proceedings, it was increasingly clear that many of the " nongovernmental organizations" ( such as the umbrella group International Action Network on Small Arms) actually had an agenda focoused on domestic U.S. gun control issues. Although it might seem unusual for Americans to expend their efforts in an international forum rather than lobbying at the federal, state or local levels, in fact, the international approach was an increasingly popular one with the American left, which felt that it's agenda was constantly being frustrated by the "vast right-wing conspiracy" or worse in the United States.)
John Bolton,Surrender Is Not an Option
We are gonna be hamstrung :>/ :>/ :>/
Scary but true, luckily not all Americans are that dumb (referring to the lady at the end).
Sad that to many are that dumb.