? Red dot or cross hairs ?
Cactus Head
8/20/07 9:21pm
I bought the "TC Triumph" and I am thinking about buying a scope, our state only allows 1x scopes ] :-k cross hairs or red dot
Then my buddy showed me his dot scope and i immediately was skeptical when the dot was moving all over the place when i moved my head even the slightest bit on the stock, so i chalked that one before it even started.
So i went up to Sportmans whse and he pulled out three scopes. A Leupold, a Nikon and a Sightron and told me "i'll bet you $50 i know which one you'll like the best (thinking he'd say Leupold).
To my surprise, i liked the Sightron the best and he laughed and said "that's the one everyone picks, and not because it's the cheapest, it simply outshines the others".
So needless to say....i'm headed back to the range to sight in my new Sightron 1X scope on my Knight Extreme.
Book Cliff's in three weeks!!!!! :-k
Now if i can just pry more secret spot's out of you!!! ](*,)