07 Buck

Hunted all day yesterday and ony saw three deer this one and two does who were with him. Spotted him around 5 PM yesterday. We were huniting in the northern unit in an area I had never hunted, we usualy hunt the southeast, but we did not draw out this year so I decided one day to buy a northern tag just for the heck of it. Well we hunted the opener up in the Uintas by Whitney Reservoir and saw more moose than deer, along with a lot of snow. So yesterday we decided to head out west to see what was out there, and it was a ways out there. We hunted one spot early in the morning and saw a lot of tracks and sign, but no deer so we thought we would look around the area a little and did not see any thing including track. So we decided to spend the evening back at the first spot we hunted that morning. It was a nice mountain pass with thick patches of junipers and lots of wide open clearings. We were right at the top of the pass and could easily glass both directions. After an uneventful 30 minutes of glassing the east side of the pass I got tired of the rock I was sitting on and decided to go look at the west side of the pass. As I was walking over I spotted a deer on the edge of a revine, so I checked it out with my binoculars. I could tell it was a doe, but i could also see another deer in a small group of junipers. I carefully worked my way to a large juniper tree for cover and began looking the area over. I immediatey saw another deer in the revine bottom and quickly determined it was another doe. I worked my way around to get a better look at the other deer and saw one had horns. I worked my way around to a shooting position and fired. After shooting I watched for a few moments to see what would happen, I could not see the buck anywhere. The two does ran off down the revine as I was walking over to see if there was any sign of the buck. When I first saw him I could tell it was a good deer, I was hoping for a good three point. As I approached where he was when I shot I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw. Laying right where he was standing when I shot was the biggest deer I have ever shot, it was also bigger than anything my hunting partner had ever shot. To say the least I was pleased that we headed out to the far west of Utah. In fact we were within seeing distance of the Utah Nevada border. Not to shabby for a public land over the counter buck. Let me know what you think.


http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd320/J_Dub13/deer005.jpg" alt="" />

http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd320/J_Dub13/deer007.jpg" alt="" />
Great buck!Looks like he was ancient,look at all that white and the roman nose! :222 :thumb
Sweet buck for sure man - How wide is he? I'm guessing 23 or 24? (sorry, i'm in that phase where i've been looking for muley pictures and trying to guess their score again #-o )

How tall is he?

Congrats again! That's some good stuff right there :thumb
CONGRATS J_Dub1 on a great lookin' buck!
I think he is SWEET! And also agree that he is an older buck, big head, nose, neck etc.

Great job I'm impressed, considering you've never hunted the area. Looks like you might have found a new home. :)

Thanks for the story!
Great buck, congratulations. Nice surprise...
Very Nice buck. I agree he is a very old deer, which makes him all the better trophy. Congrats on very nice deer.
hes an old buck look at the white on him. he is pretty heavy to. awsome buck.
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Way to go, nice lookin muley
Congrats on a fine trophy
Nice buck...congrats!
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:thumb :thumb congrats on the trophy!
nice buck congrats =D>