08 AZ Strip Buck Pics
7/17/08 7:26pm
Got some great pics of some awsome bucks over the past couple of weeks. Hope you enjoy, and if you would like to see some more pics of these bucks or any others check out our website.
Larry Bundy
Kory Bundy
Garrett Carr
Larry Bundy
Kory Bundy
Garrett Carr
I just checked and I drew
Thanks for posting the pics, I'll be lookin at em alot over the next few months.
I sent you a message on your website.....I DREW the archery 13B tag.
Roy, I want a Non-typical monster out of you. :) Nothing less.
They are a great group of guys!
Thanks for sharing.
Looks like you guys have found some good ones. I like the looks of things on "our" side this year as well.
Roy, if you are going to get help from these guys, you are in good hands. They spend alot of time out there. And they are good guys. Good luck on your hunt, and you know there is no pressure, just have fun. It is neat country, a little different than the 'bab'. And if you add to the big buck collection, that is just a bonus.
I got a 12 archery Tag and am so dang excited . . . well.
Please push those brusiers on down to my unit eh?
That was an awesome looking buck, congrats to the hunter......I could only dream of something like that with my bow. Besides, I'm not too picky.....I'll take one that's only a measly 200". :)