08 bucks
10/20/08 7:47pm
I drew a Book Cliffs tag this year and my dad and cousin got called up as alternates. We shot our deer this weekend, probably could have held out and done better but who knows. My cousins buck is 19", my dads is 25 1/2", mine is 27" I kind of wish I'd have waited but I think he'll look good on the wall.
Dad's buck

http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/jeorv/S4300230Small.jpg " alt="" />
Sam, me and dad

http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/jeorv/S4300228Small.jpg " alt="" />
my buck

http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/jeorv/S4300225Small.jpg " alt="" />
Dad's buck

Sam, me and dad

my buck
