08 Washington success

Well, this deer season has turned into a rather productive one for me!

After filling my Idaho Mule deer tag I took a couple days off and then turned to filling my Washington general season tag.

While taking a break between hunts I made a few phone calls to some friends of mine lookin' for a spot in which I would have a decent shot at filling my WA tag. Since I had the Idaho Mule deer tag, the seasons coincided, and I wasn't sure how long I would be chasing Muleys I didn't bother making any concrete plans in my home state of Washington. Well, as luck would have it I filled the Muley tag in two days which gave me the rest of the week to hunt here in WA.

Shortly after making a few phone calls a buddy of mine called back and gave me some "inside information" on an area around my old stopping grounds in the Blue Mountains. He knew there were some decent Whitetail in the area and asked if I was interested in taking a Whitey. Since I had a Mule deer already hanging I was more than willing to take a Whitetail to help stock the freezer. We quickly made plans and headed out the next morning.

We hunted hard all day long yet only bumped one small spike and three does the entire morning. We decided to stop, eat some chow, and make plans for the evening. He had a couple draws that he thought would produce a decent shooter buck so we finished up, grabbed our gear, and headed to the next hunting spot.

As the evening rolled along we quietly walked the edges of the second draw with little results. Just as I started thinking "It looks like I won't be filling this tag today" my buddy whispered "Jeremy, shooter buck!" I turned to where he was pointing and spotted a decent 4 point bedded below a deadfall staring directly at us. I quickly threw my rifle to my shoulder, centered on his vitals, and squeezed the trigger. He never left his bed!

He's nothing special. Just a decent 4X4 with a nice 19 inch outside spread on him which is what caught my eye initially anyway. Unfortunately, I didn't pack my camera with me on this hunt so we took some pics in the back of the truck when we got back to my place.

Again, what a year! Two good bucks...one a Muley and one a Whitetail....and both within driving distance of my house. Man, I love this place!
Hawk great job its been a good year for you :thumb
Nicely done Hawk, looks like a full freezer this year. Fun times and close to home. :thumb
6x6 bull
Hawk congrats on a nice looking whitey. Two bucks down. Your having a good year my friend. Those whitetails are fun to hunt also.
Hawk, nice deer. Congrats on a very successful year of deer hunting. Nice to have good hunting close to home.
That a baby Hawk! Congratulations on a nice whitey.......need to hunt hem one of these days for sure.
Thanks guys. I really have been blessed this year...but I couldn't have done it without my brother, friends, and family!

Roy, I'm surprised you've never taken one of these before! You've taken just about eveything else walking on four legs...and a few on two legs...LOL.
Very cool Hawk. I want to hunt whitetail real bad. maybe next year.

Roy, I am surprised also that you have never hunted whitetail. I thought you had done it all.
Congrats on a very successful season!
very cool HAWK!! just got in from my wyoming elk hunt and seen your post, congrats on a great year!!

How'd the Wyoming hunt go for ya, Brian?
i will have a thread to share, but maybe tomorrow. i just got in from driving strait through- after starting yesterday packing a bull then rolling up camp then a 16 hr drive. just a qwik hint: we killed two bulls, not as big as what we should have killed, are own mess-ups, but in 6 1/2 days we seen 30 bulls, only 1 spike , 3 4 points, the rest 5 and 6 points! best elk hunt i've been on! anyway, hopefully i can get it posted up tomorrow--- did i mention that i just made it back in time make it for an any-second baby being born?? :))
AWESOME! I can't wait to hear about the hunt and check out the pics!

Made it home in time for the "new addition", ay?! Sounds like you made PERFECT plans!
well it's not here yet, but any time! boy was i cutting it close :)) BUT I MADE IT lol
Great job Jeremy! =D> It's great to see all of your posts again, nice to have you back home. salxxute
Congrats on the Buck