09 Flaming gorge fishing pics

Here are some pictures of some fish we caught at flaming gorge this summer.

http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz342/UvUBowhunter/Fishing%2009/IMGP4214.jpg" alt="" />

http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz342/UvUBowhunter/Fishing%2009/IMGP4209.jpg" alt="" />

http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz342/UvUBowhunter/Fishing%2009/IMGP4203.jpg" alt="" />

http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz342/UvUBowhunter/Fishing%2009/IMGP4191.jpg" alt="" />

http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz342/UvUBowhunter/Fishing%2009/IMGP4199.jpg" alt="" />

http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz342/UvUBowhunter/Fishing%2009/IMGP1757.jpg" alt="" />

http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz342/UvUBowhunter/Fishing%2009/IMGP1740.jpg" alt="" />
Springville Shooter
Nice!!!! I work between here and Green River Wyo and lots of times I go by the gorge on my way home. Next spring you can bet the big metal fish killen jet boat is gonna make a trip to the gorge to chase around some of those huge macks like you guys caught. Great job!!! Do they taste good?-----shooter
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Nice, we will be back next summer im sure, We keep our boat in the lucern dry storage. We dont keep the big ones, once they get over like seven pounds they start to get a lot of fat on them. So we kept the biggest one that we caught over the summer and mounted it. We keep alot of the smaller ones to eat, they taste really good. The kokanee and rainbows are awesome eatin too.
Nice! You knocked em dead!
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Ya we finally found the place to fish for the lake trout and just about anywhere you fish you will catch rainbows. The Bass werent biting this year though, Last year we knocked em dead. I think I caught a total of like fifteen this summer and they werent very big.
Here's me on flaming gorge. We were trolling for bigger fish than you caught, I'm the bait lol
All kidding aside those are some very nice catches. The gorge is awesome.
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Nice lol. We dont do any wather skiing up there, we pull out the tube occasionally but we mainly just jump off the boat and fish. But ya gotta agree the gorge is awesome when its good weather.
You jig or troll for them?
Great pics!! :thumb
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We troll for them. Its kinda hard to jig for them with a little bigger boat.
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Great looking lakers

did not look like you had to go to deep for them


M. bird
Nice fish. How big is that rainbow in the 3rd picture? Looks like a brute.
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it was around 22 inches long and around five pounds. It was a nice one and i still dont hear the end of that one lol. My little brother caught it.
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I'm in when we going.
mapleton archer
nice fish.