09 Henry Mountain Hunt Update - Part 2

So I've been holding out on you madness members. I haven't followed through with a pic til now. Over in my post "09 Henry Mountain Update" I tell of how I went down to experience hunting on the Henries. The kicker is I had a rifle tag for the southern region burning a hole in my pocket. It was for the southern region which is about 100 miles west of where I was. This being my second year of the dedicated hunter program combined with the poor showing of bucks on the muzzleloader made me decide to use my "no harvest year" and spend my hunt with a friend on the henries. It was hard to not be out hunting for myself but I'm glad for the henries experience. I wasn't able to go down the second weekend so I wasn't there to be a part of the kill, pack out. It was down to second to the last day before the hunt ended so it became settle time. Jasen spotted his buck in the morning and stalked him all day. The kill took place just before the end of the day. Remeber this is the first buck for Jasen. It's not what we had hoped to get him on but it is an amazing first buck. I think he's probably ruined as nothing will seem big enough on general season hunts.

Here is Jasen and his 09 Hernies buck 29" wide 5x6.
A few More
I'm still wainting on my brother to send me a couple more pics of a buck that was shot the same day as Jasen's. It's a very unique 27" wide 212" buck. I'll post when I get them so come back to this psot in a while.
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We need some more units like the henry mt.
Man oh Man, you weren't kidding on holding out on us where ya. :)

Amazing bucks, the Henries is simply putting out some RIDICULOUS Mule Deer. Not even close in comparison to any public land unit in Utah in my opinion.

I wish we had more like this Unit also, but 15 plus year wait is painful. :-k
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Great bucks and thanks for the pictures. I agree, we do need a few more areas managed for quality like the Henries. Makes some hunters stay around just for the chance to someday chase bucks in a place like that.
AMAZING BUCKS :not-worthy =D>
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Holy cow! Nice bucks for sure. congratulation

WOW! Talk about some bruisers!

And that's a FIRST BUCK?!?! What a way to start!
i dont think there has ever been a post with so many absolute monsters!!
that unit must be something else :not-worthy 10sign: =D> :thumb :not-worthy :thumb
Wasatch Wonder
I've been waiting for these for a while now. I need to go clean the drool off my keyboard.
Unbelievable! Some incredible bucks from an incredible place. Congratulations to all the hunters and thanks for sharing. Wow....
Not Enuf that is an incredible collection of bucks. It is obvious why the Henries are so difficult to draw.

BTW, saw your story in Eastman's the other day. Great story and great buck.
Those of you that got to see all the photos that were posted consider yourselves lucky. Truely some amazing bucks. I was PM'd by a a couple of people with a request to remove pics of their bucks. The owner of the buck I mentioned that 212" also asked that I don't post it up yet so I'll wait on that one too.
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Wow those are some amazing bucks! Those were some lucky tag holders!
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Man that's crazy so many deer over 200". Thanks for sharing.
What a bunch of nice bucks! 10sign: