09 Henry Mountain Hunt Update
10/19/09 11:40am
Wow, wow, and wow! As someone who had heard stories about the Henry Mountains but never set foot on them until this past weekend, I have to say it lives up to the hoopla. I took my 8 year old along with me. My good friend came with his eight year also. We were spotters for my brother’s room-mate that has a tag this year. Our responsibility was to go find buck number four on the map. Glass him put him to bed and report. So we got up loaded the kids on the wheelers and set out. It's crazy to stay focused when you’re passing 26" four points just off the side of the road while there is an active hunt on. The place is loaded with average mature bucks in the 24-28" range.
We continued to the spot where buck number four or "The double hook cheater buck" had been spotted. He had been seen by many. As we got to the spot there was a group of spotters for another hunter. They showed us some video footage of the buck which was cool. Everyone I met on that mountain was class act. Super great people up there. We set up and started glassing. We glassed a crab clawed 28" four point when we heard a shot about 600 yards to the north of us. We glassed the hunters but they didn't act like they had hit anything so we continued picking apart the landscape looking for ears, antlers, and other deer parts. About a half an hour after the first shot we heard another shot followed by a "whoo-hoo". We looked up and saw a hunter shoulder his gun and pack and then take off. Because of the area we wondered if he had just got the buck we were assigned to find. My boy was anxious to see a dead deer rather than just the head he usually gets to see. We hiked over and sure enough we needed to move on to the next buck on the list.
As I approached the kid that shot the buck I asked if his name was "Cade" he said yes. I told him congrats and it's good to see someone get a buck that they've put a lot of scouting time into. My neighbor "230+" had told me that Cade was watching a couple bucks and was putting his scouting time in.
I offered to help quarter the buck pack a couple of quarters down the mountain. I showed him how to do the gutless cleaning method and thanks to advice learned from a post by BOHNTR we were able to get the tenderloins out without ever entering the gut cavity. "Thanks bohntr". My boy sat and took a lot of "odd" pictures while me and Cade's dad worked on the deer.
At first Cade said he didn't want me to post any pics. Then he recognized me from Muley Madness and said "those are a good bunch of guys over there go ahead and post"
Here's a few pics.
Caped out I met sewing from the madness while looking at this buck. As we were leaving the following day I talked to a hunter that said he had heard a shot and then about 6 guys bailed out of a couple of dodge vehicles and went down into a nasty deep canyon. I recognized the vehicle he pointed to as belonging to sewing's group so hopefully he has a great story to tell.
I wish I could post a pic from the buck took in the camp next to us but I gave my word I wouldn’t and what would I be without integrity. The buck scored 225" it is in the high thirty’s wide with a split cheater. It had drop tine on both sides (6-7") I forgot to count points but from my pic it is at least a 10 x 11. One toad of a buck.
No buck for my bros roommate yet. Lots of passers. I'll keep you all posted.
We continued to the spot where buck number four or "The double hook cheater buck" had been spotted. He had been seen by many. As we got to the spot there was a group of spotters for another hunter. They showed us some video footage of the buck which was cool. Everyone I met on that mountain was class act. Super great people up there. We set up and started glassing. We glassed a crab clawed 28" four point when we heard a shot about 600 yards to the north of us. We glassed the hunters but they didn't act like they had hit anything so we continued picking apart the landscape looking for ears, antlers, and other deer parts. About a half an hour after the first shot we heard another shot followed by a "whoo-hoo". We looked up and saw a hunter shoulder his gun and pack and then take off. Because of the area we wondered if he had just got the buck we were assigned to find. My boy was anxious to see a dead deer rather than just the head he usually gets to see. We hiked over and sure enough we needed to move on to the next buck on the list.
As I approached the kid that shot the buck I asked if his name was "Cade" he said yes. I told him congrats and it's good to see someone get a buck that they've put a lot of scouting time into. My neighbor "230+" had told me that Cade was watching a couple bucks and was putting his scouting time in.
I offered to help quarter the buck pack a couple of quarters down the mountain. I showed him how to do the gutless cleaning method and thanks to advice learned from a post by BOHNTR we were able to get the tenderloins out without ever entering the gut cavity. "Thanks bohntr". My boy sat and took a lot of "odd" pictures while me and Cade's dad worked on the deer.
At first Cade said he didn't want me to post any pics. Then he recognized me from Muley Madness and said "those are a good bunch of guys over there go ahead and post"
Here's a few pics.
Caped out I met sewing from the madness while looking at this buck. As we were leaving the following day I talked to a hunter that said he had heard a shot and then about 6 guys bailed out of a couple of dodge vehicles and went down into a nasty deep canyon. I recognized the vehicle he pointed to as belonging to sewing's group so hopefully he has a great story to tell.
I wish I could post a pic from the buck took in the camp next to us but I gave my word I wouldn’t and what would I be without integrity. The buck scored 225" it is in the high thirty’s wide with a split cheater. It had drop tine on both sides (6-7") I forgot to count points but from my pic it is at least a 10 x 11. One toad of a buck.
No buck for my bros roommate yet. Lots of passers. I'll keep you all posted.
Always nice to meet new friends and make lifetime memories.
and congrats to cade on an awsome buck! i'll bet it is a blast to hunt on one of the best mule deer hunting units in the world! again , very cool , and thanks for posting!
I know the only NR bowhunter who drew this year. She's in my archery club out here and had never shot a deer with her bow. She ended up arrowing a nice buck! I'll see if I can dig up a photo.
It was nice meeting another madness member down there.
We had a great time and landed a monster of a buck. I can't wait to post it. As soon as I get all the pics I'll post up here.
Thanks again for all the help everyone!!
Sewing, look forward to yours. That's awesome. 10sign: 10sign: