100 gr 7mmwsm
The Ox
1/30/10 10:17pm
just lookin thru some of my reload books and seen a 100 gr 7wsm load wondering if any1 has reloaded these? wonderin how they shot wanna use them mostly for coyotes
the only 100 grain 7mm bullet I can find available is the sierra hollow point.
It has a ballistic coeficient of .209
lets assume you can get it to shoot well at about 3600 fps
zero this load at 100 yards and it will hit over 47 inches low at 500 yards
not to mention be very sensitive to wind drift.
now lets try a 150 grain Nosler ballistic tip
it has a ballistic coeficient of .493
and lets be modest and shoot it at about 3100 fps
zero this load at 100 yards and it will hit about 29 inches low at 500 yards
see the difference?
Barnes used to make a 100 grain x bullet..... which would have had a higher B.C. than 209 due to its length (no lead core means more copper and a longer more streamlined bullet) but it still fell short of their 120 grain version.
Most calibers have a "go to" weight.... my 300 win mag likes 180's, my 25-06 likes 115's my 270 win likes 130's, yes I have tried lighter faster bullets and the results are always the same: poor accuracy and a fall on your face attitude.
So basically, if you wanna vaporize a jack rabbit at 150 yards or less, try them little bullets out and take lots of gruesome pics for us lol
But if you want velocity to reach way out and smoke a yote at 400.... try something with a little better BC. :thumb
im just getting into reloading so any tips are always welcome.