103" New World Record Antelope from Wyoming
10/15/08 1:17pm
This was posted on another site i thought i'd share with everyone, he was killed in wyoming and scroed 103, i was told this is Doc Myers on the left but i dont know for sure.
That thing is a BEAST! If I were a cynical man I would swear that it's a photojop job...LOL
No worries....I believe that it's real....it's just almost unbelievabely HUGE!
CONGRATS to the lucky man that harvested that beast.
This is a quote from Boone & Crockett's trophy watch......."This outstanding pronghorn was recently taken in Arizona by David Meyer and reported to green score in the mid-90s. A buck taken by Meyer in 2002 from Mohave County, Arizona is currently tied as the World's Record (95 points B&C) with another Arizona buck taken by Dylan Woods in 2002 from Coconino County, Arizona. Updates as details become available"
The location listed originally here is incorrect as well as the 103" score.
Crazy goat!
Doc also had the Utah Gov. tag last year and ended up giving it away.
The text of the email that was sent to the OP was inaccurate, but by all accounts the buck is real and so are the photos. There are actual people that actually saw the actual buck. It really is as big as it looks.
Just try to enjoy it for what it is. Not everything is a scam... :thumb
Why is it that every thread you get involved in turns into an argument? Sometimes you're wrong. Just admit it and move on.
I'll tell you what, Nonya, you can have the last word on this antelope thread. I won't look at it again so just go right ahead and post some more of your conspiracy theories on it. I'll stay out of it.
And for the record, I don't agree with your opinion on this antelope. Why enhance something that is already a world class animal? It just doesn't make sense!
But then again...
Why is it that every thread you get involved in turns into an argument? Sometimes you're wrong. Just admit it and move on.
I'll tell you what, Nonya, you can have the last word on this antelope thread. I won't look at it again so just go right ahead and post some more of your conspiracy theories on it. I'll stay out of it.
And for the record, I don't agree with your opinion on this antelope. Why enhance something that is already a world class animal? It just doesn't make sense!
But then again..."
it was a fake email,fake score,fake location,why wouldnt they touch up the pic as well?You really shouldnt take every post here that you dont agree with as a personal insult and then play the "not gonna read your reply" card every time you run out of personal insults,its gettin sad.This is just another in a long string of doctorered pics and fake stories that hit the net every hunting season,there is nothing about them to enjoy.
First off, the photo is not doctored.....it's the actual antelope from Northern Arizona. It is a "good" photo that definitely is taken to make and already huge critter look even bigger.....but it is real. It was taken by Doc with Vaquero Outfitters and Pronghorn Guide Service....which Mr. Grimmett is world known for finding HUGE antelope for clients.
Secondly, the photo was not "removed" from the B&C website (Trophy Watch).......it simply cycled out with updated photos which are not archieved for viewers. My mule deer was also on "Trophy Watch" and is no longer there for the same reasons. Just the way the site is designed.
Will it be a WR? Who knows......it will have to be officially measured and then panel measured before it can be declared a WR. There have been many "potential" world records that feel short by the time a panel measured the animal correctly. Time will tell. However, it's an AWESOME antelope.
The photo doesn't look photo shopped to me. But I did find a photo that looks photo shopped, or made to look bigger. lol lol
here's the link
Sounds kinda like my old neighbor :))
Last Sunday I was at the home of one of guides that helped on this buck. He told me that it grossed 97 and change, but he didn't say what it netted. Like Roy said, things could change a lot between the time an antelope is first officially scored, and then panel scored. With B&C that could take up to 3 years, and antelope are very prone to shrinking. B&C does give the benefit of a "shrink factor", however, and would let the buck keep its original score if it doesn't shrink more than a certain percentage, even if it was entered in excess of the current world record. P&Y is different in the case of pending world records, however, and they just throw your original score sheet away and you just get whatever it panel scores (up to two years later). I'm not sure when the next B&C panel is scheduled.
for a Pronghorn to score over 100" it would have to be......... well, it would have to be related to the spider bull!!!!!!! :-k
I believe it was taken on public land, or at least land that is accessible to the public. In Arizona you can hunt on private property UNLESS it is posted every certain number of feet all the way around the perimeter. The burden is on the landowner to post it if he doesn't want hunters, not like New Mexico where the burden is on the hunter to know whether or not he is on private or public land.
He can't take pics at his shop, but I'm pretty sure more info will be revealed soon.