110 grain Barnes Tripleshocks

I was getting a 6.8 SPC barrel for my TC Contender and haven't done it yet but found some Barnes 110 grain Tripleshocks on sale and picked them up for it. I got in a reloading mood and put 20 of them ahead of 50 grains of Varget (I guessed at this one, you may want to be careful and back it off in your rifle) in 270 winchester WW cases and CCI standard rifle primers just for kicks and grins. I shot them from my 270 win. A-bolt and it was amazing. They consistantly go into 5/8 inch or less at 100 meters. They are 2 inches high at 100 meters. They hardly kick and you can hold dead on out to 300 meters on a 6 inch plate and hit it. I think I'm in love. I'm loading the rest today. They are going Coues deer hunting in November. I think I'll buy more before they become extinct.
I don't reload, but i've used these in my .280 140gr and ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM. I took two muleys last year with them and the damage done was incredible. ACCURATE too, in the Fed Premium I am shooting less than 1" at 150yards. Not bad for a friggin deer rifle!