
Just curious as to if anyone had or still does have a 12B tag in Arizona. I had the late hunt last year. It was a super fun hunt. I ended up tagging out on a 22" 3-point.
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dont have one but want one! bet you paid out the #$$ for the tag
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I will be up there? Any advice? Should be a fun hunt. Never been there, but hope they are rutting somewhat with these later dates..

Welcome, my advice is get a BIG one. :)

Good luck!
well I was in there- 12b last november. all I can say is that the most deer I`ve seen in the 39 years I`ve lived in arizona was there ! now last month in colorado will never be passed as they have more deer that anywhere I`ve ever even heard of, but 12b for arizona- they were freaking everywhere. we found an old burn and the deer were migrating into it. too bad other people saw it too. look for a burn or an open place after the cold winter weather hits they all head downhill and man-o-man there were some nice deer.