14 yr old nephews 30" Buck

E’s buck is so cool. It goes 30” outside spread. It has nice mass. They could see deer before light and thought they could see horns. One deer in the group was bigger than the rest. They had to wait for it to get lighter to make sure. After what E said seemed like a really long time. It was light enough to shoot. They still had not verified if the big deer was a buck. His head was down eating. It finally picked up his head and it was a really nice buck. E’s dad sad get a dead rest. E said “I got my crosshair on him. I am OK.” The dad had buck fever and E was calm as a summer morning. E shot and the buck went down. E’s dad told him to put in another shell as the buck might get back up. It started to get back up. E shot again and missed. E was finally getting my disease, Buck fever. He had seen how big it was now for sure. E is a great hunter and kept his cool and the next shot finished this 30”. More than 200 yards away and just shooting off hand is not bad shooting. E is 14 years old. Not bad eh?
Public land - DIY - General season draw tag.
Put the kids in for hunts and take them hunting. The memories will never go away. The only problem will be when your kids shoot bigger bucks than their dad has. And they shoot bigger bucks than their uncle. The uncle who has had way too many years hunting and lots of great draw tags. I need to learn from the great hunters.

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