18 Point Muley Shed

Here's some pics of an 18 point muley shed I found this spring. The shed is very unique, with all of it's trash being below the G1. This shed scores 100 4/8 inches. I found the matched set of the year previous to this same buck, so I know the other side will be very similiar. This buck should score well over 220 gross.
http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly4.jpg" alt="" />
http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly3.jpg" alt="" />
http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly1.jpg" alt="" />
Here's a side by side comparision of the 2 years of this buck
http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly2.jpg" alt="" />
Here's the matched set of this buck from the year previous. Too bad they are chewed so bad. They are a 15X9 as they are chewed. There are several other points that could have been over an inch. A conservative estimate of the chewed tine's lengths has this set scoring 201 gross NT.
http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Trashy2.jpg" alt="" />

Awesome pics, (as usual from BCBOY!)

Thanks for Sharing!

I went out looking a couple a weeks back. Found 1 half of a spike bull is all!

It still had blood, from what looked a day or two old, on it!

Cool! To bad they are so chewed up, or at least the one side. How old do you estimate them to be? Thanks for the pics though, he's a good one. Reminds the monster off the "Nuts about Bucks" video.
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Thats pretty impressive! The buck it's self isn't all that bad. Not much for tine length, but all that trash makes up with a lot of character! That is pretty cool though! Like I said in one of my topics, I went out the last day in April and got skunked for the first time in that state. :( It was pretty bad! But maybe some day I can find a 200" buck! :D Just Maybe! Great job BCBOY!!!!
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:D BCBoy'

so this is where you've been hiding lately..(Manny15)..