18 Point Muley Shed
5/2/04 11:27am
Here's some pics of an 18 point muley shed I found this spring. The shed is very unique, with all of it's trash being below the G1. This shed scores 100 4/8 inches. I found the matched set of the year previous to this same buck, so I know the other side will be very similiar. This buck should score well over 220 gross.

http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly4.jpg " alt="" />

http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly3.jpg " alt="" />

http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly1.jpg " alt="" />
Here's a side by side comparision of the 2 years of this buck

http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Knarly2.jpg " alt="" />
Here's the matched set of this buck from the year previous. Too bad they are chewed so bad. They are a 15X9 as they are chewed. There are several other points that could have been over an inch. A conservative estimate of the chewed tine's lengths has this set scoring 201 gross NT.

http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Trashy2.jpg " alt="" />

Here's a side by side comparision of the 2 years of this buck

Here's the matched set of this buck from the year previous. Too bad they are chewed so bad. They are a 15X9 as they are chewed. There are several other points that could have been over an inch. A conservative estimate of the chewed tine's lengths has this set scoring 201 gross NT.

Awesome pics, (as usual from BCBOY!)
Thanks for Sharing!
I went out looking a couple a weeks back. Found 1 half of a spike bull is all!
It still had blood, from what looked a day or two old, on it!
Thats pretty impressive! The buck it's self isn't all that bad. Not much for tine length, but all that trash makes up with a lot of character! That is pretty cool though! Like I said in one of my topics, I went out the last day in April and got skunked for the first time in that state. :( It was pretty bad! But maybe some day I can find a 200" buck! :D Just Maybe! Great job BCBOY!!!!
so this is where you've been hiding lately..(Manny15)..