1st annual Badlands Outdoor Gear Swap
6/30/11 7:54am
1st annual Badlands Outdoor Gear Swap
Buy! Sell! Trade!
With hunting season around the corner are you looking to up grade your gear? Here is a great chance to trade/sell all your old gear and hang out with other outdoor enthusiast.
A Free outdoor gear swap will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2011 from 8AM to 4PM in the parking lot of Badlands 8100 S 1300 W Suite:D.
Think swap meet/yard sale for hunters, everything at this gear swap needs to be directly related to the outdoor activities, hunting, fishing, backpacking, camping, hiking, archery. There is no cost to display or attend this event.
For those wanting to display please arrive early (7am) to set up a space in the parking lot. Bring your own table, tent, and blanket or just drop your tail gate. The event will be held rain or shine outside.
And even if you don’t want to part with your gear come on down, there will be great deals and free drawings through out the day.
When: Saturday July 16th from 8AM to 4 PM, Rain or shine (set up can begin at, 7:00AM)
Cost: FREE
Where: Parking lot Vortex Outdoors 8100 S 1300 W Suite:D West Jordan Utah
What to bring: Outdoor gear in good, usable condition.
Backpacking: tents, packs, sleeping pads and bags, water filters, light weight cooking stoves
Archery : bows, arrows & other accessories
Hunting Appeal: Big game, Waterfowl camo clothing, boots, hats, packs,
Hiking : GPS receivers, day packs, trekking poles
Fishing : rods, reels, flies, waders, tackle, kayaks, dry bags
What NOT to bring: firearms, ammunition, kitchen appliances, tools, home electronics.
Bathrooms: Will be available
Electricity: Will NOT be available
Free giveaways courtesy of the following Utah outdoors manufacturers:
Camofire.com, Easton, Epek, Gold Tip Grim Reaper, Hoyt, Kings, Sportsmans Outdoor Products, Global Outdoors, Titanium Goat
For more information & to support the local manufacturers please visit your nearest archery shop or sporting good store
Live auction & raffle brought to you by the United Wildlife Cooperative.
Make some cash and upgrade your gear! Bring your used gear and have it sold at auction!
Win a Black Bear Hunt for Two! More great prizes are being added daily!
For Auction and raffle details, Go to: http://www.unitedwildlifecooperative.org<http://www.unitedwildlifecooperative.org>
Hope to see you there!
Buy! Sell! Trade!
With hunting season around the corner are you looking to up grade your gear? Here is a great chance to trade/sell all your old gear and hang out with other outdoor enthusiast.
A Free outdoor gear swap will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2011 from 8AM to 4PM in the parking lot of Badlands 8100 S 1300 W Suite:D.
Think swap meet/yard sale for hunters, everything at this gear swap needs to be directly related to the outdoor activities, hunting, fishing, backpacking, camping, hiking, archery. There is no cost to display or attend this event.
For those wanting to display please arrive early (7am) to set up a space in the parking lot. Bring your own table, tent, and blanket or just drop your tail gate. The event will be held rain or shine outside.
And even if you don’t want to part with your gear come on down, there will be great deals and free drawings through out the day.
When: Saturday July 16th from 8AM to 4 PM, Rain or shine (set up can begin at, 7:00AM)
Cost: FREE
Where: Parking lot Vortex Outdoors 8100 S 1300 W Suite:D West Jordan Utah
What to bring: Outdoor gear in good, usable condition.
Backpacking: tents, packs, sleeping pads and bags, water filters, light weight cooking stoves
Archery : bows, arrows & other accessories
Hunting Appeal: Big game, Waterfowl camo clothing, boots, hats, packs,
Hiking : GPS receivers, day packs, trekking poles
Fishing : rods, reels, flies, waders, tackle, kayaks, dry bags
What NOT to bring: firearms, ammunition, kitchen appliances, tools, home electronics.
Bathrooms: Will be available
Electricity: Will NOT be available
Free giveaways courtesy of the following Utah outdoors manufacturers:
Camofire.com, Easton, Epek, Gold Tip Grim Reaper, Hoyt, Kings, Sportsmans Outdoor Products, Global Outdoors, Titanium Goat
For more information & to support the local manufacturers please visit your nearest archery shop or sporting good store
Live auction & raffle brought to you by the United Wildlife Cooperative.
Make some cash and upgrade your gear! Bring your used gear and have it sold at auction!
Win a Black Bear Hunt for Two! More great prizes are being added daily!
For Auction and raffle details, Go to: http://www.unitedwildlifecooperative.org<http://www.unitedwildlifecooperative.org>
Hope to see you there!