1st Antelope hunt success!

Well we were successful on our first out of state antelope hunt! Thanks to the couple members who gave us a point in the right direction. We ended up drawing Wyoming Unit 31 tags and right off the bat I started trying to research everything I could to try and make the hunt a success. I was pretty nervous going out of state and so far from home with not being able to scout the area at all or even what the area was like. One of the things I had heard was know exactly where you are there since private land and state land mix in so much. So we got a GPS and ordered a GPS hunting map for Wyoming and let me tell you that thing was awesome! It made it so much nicer knowing who owned what and where I could legally hunt. Very accurate as well. Well the time came for us to leave and we were excited! As soon as we hit Wyoming we started seeing antelope and getting us excited. We saw some monster bucks on the way too! We got there and once we got settled in we headed out to scout out and see what there was out. Turned out a lot of the bucks we saw were on private and they knew it too! All we could do was watch them and get some video and pics. The rut was in full swing and we saw multiple fights which was way cool. The next morning we headed out to try and find my wife a buck. Spent the whole morning looking and having no luck. Early afternoon we were getting ready to go get some lunch when about 1000 yds away I spotted a big group of antelope. Busted out the spotting scope and found a shooter! So off we were to try and somehow close the distance. We were able to crawl to about 675 yds but then had no way of getting any closer. There was a coyote about 200 yds from the antelope and they were on edge already so didn't dare to try and get closer fearing they would bust us. So we watched them for a while and my wife asked if she could try the shot. So waiting for the buck to separate himself from the group she tried a shot and shot just under him. But luck was on our side! The group came towards us and stopped at 200 yds with no idea we were there. So once again my wife lined up and took aim. Dropped him right in his tracks. Then the whole herd busted off and came running towards us up the hill. They came within 40 yds of us which was cool in itself! So to say my wife was excited would be an understatement. We made our way down to the buck and we were both surprised to see he was bigger than we thought. Not only his horns but his body was huge too. His neck was really puffed up too which made him look even cooler. He ended up being 13.5" tall with decent mass and also has a little rear digger and a couple little trash points on the other side. Finally got my wife a wall hanger and she was stoked! After taking care of him, we headed back out to try and fill my tag. Ended up seeing a couple smaller bucks but just couldn't get on them. Finally found a little buck the day before we were headed home and made a stalk to 175 yds and dropped him. I was happy with him and am glad that we were able to get my wife a good buck. We had a blast and will definitely be back next year. Might be the funnest hunt we have ever been on.
One of the private land bucks
another pic of him
one of the cool private land bucks
My buck
My wife's buck
Congrats to you and your wife on a successful hunt! I never have a problem with the wife getting a bigger critter than me!
Here is another pic of my wife's buck……shows some more of his character. His rear digger and also the growth on the bridge of his nose. He is a pretty cool buck and can't wait to get him back from the taxidermist!
Snake River Marksman
Great job and nice story too.